Thanks for checking out our Scott Pilgrim vs The World Review
Genre: Comedy
Directed by: Edgar Wright
Staring: Michael Cera, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Kieran Culkin, Anna Kendrick, Brie Larson, Bradon Routh, Chris Evans
Released: August 13, 2010
Scott Pilgrim’s life is so awesome. He’s 23 years old, in a rock band, “between jobs,” and dating a cute high school girl. Everything’s fantastic until a seriously mind-blowing, dangerously fashionable, roller blading delivery girl named Ramona Flowers starts cruising through his dreams and sailing by him at parties. But the path to Ms. Flowers isn’t covered in rose petals. Ramona’s seven evil exes stand between Scott and true happiness. Can Scott defeat all seven of the bad guys and get the girl without turning his precious little life upside-down, before the game is over?
The rapidfire storytelling the film starts out with could keep Severe Attention Deficit Disorder sufferers in their seat with no discomfort. It all flies at you so fast but its done so well that its easy to keep up. Its VERY clever. There are a lot of funny parts in the movie, but honestly its just how subtle and smart the film is that gives it its charm.
And the visuals are amazing. The video game theme and over the top action are all spectacles to witness and all play out very well for its style. This movie keeps your eyes busy. The physical fight scenes are just insane. This movie might have ruined fight movies for me as I now realize that ANYONE can look like Chuck Norris if they are directed well. Cera kicks ass.
Michael Cera has been a sore spot for me lately. I just got tired of him being the same guy in everything. Well in this he is a hint of that same guy as Scott Pilgrim suffers a lot of insecurity, but he isn’t afraid to get into a fight and he is supposed to be a cool guy, and Cera manages to make that work.
Mary Elizabeth Winstead is so hot in this film. And not just to look at. Her character is so likeable that you really get why Pilgrim fell for her. She really nails that down. But the supporting cast that brings this together all has to come down to Keiran Culkin. Dear God this man was funny as all hell in this. He plays Scott Pilgrim’s gay roomate and voice of reason. He adds so much to every scene he is in with witty oneliners and insightful advice.
Like sequel films, they all have to live up to the film before it, and this is one issue I had with Scott Pilgrim. The first fight with Patel is insane. Lots of fun and smart dialogue – great over the top action. And the followup fight with Chris Evans’ big skater star turned actor is even better. Then Routh’s Psi-Powered Vegan fight is funny but less action. And it ranks less and less exciting from there. Hard to live up to those awesome opening fights.
The rapidfire storytelling that I loved does slow down which in itself is a good thing. But it starts to lose that wow-factor that gave you perma-grin for the first half of the movie. But the shift in gears does take a while to ramp back up again and it makes the finale fight a little less epic. Still good, but feels a bit dragged out at the end.
I had quite a few laugh out loud moments and I wasn’t the only one in the theater laughing. This film isn’t just funny, its enjoyable. Its fun to experience and fun to watch. I had a great time watching this movie which says a lot.
I give Scott Pilgrim vs The World a 8.5 out of 10