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Sam Raimi

Sam Raimi Thinks Spider-Man 4 is possible

Sam Raimi is enjoying a lot of excitement surrounding the new Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness. The director is enjoying a lot of success as is Spider-Man star Tobey Maguire after appearing in Spider-Man: No Way Home. With both Maguire and Raimi working with Marvel one has to wonder if Spider-Man 4 is possible.

Sam Raimi affirms that he thinks its possible and shares the sentiment with Yahoo:

I’ve come to realize after making Doctor Strange that anything is possible, really anything in the Marvel universe, any team-ups,” said Raimi. “I love Tobey. I love Kirsten Dunst. I think all things are possible. I don’t really have a story or a plan. I don’t know if Marvel would be interested in that right now. I don’t know what their thoughts are about that. I haven’t really pursued that. But it sounds beautiful. Even if it wasn’t a Spider-Man movie, I’d love to work with Tobey again, in a different role.

This absolutely seems possible and I would love to get a Spider-Man 4. I can totally imagine a movie with an older Peter and Mary Jane raising their daughter Annie May or May Day Parker.

There are a lot of possible story ideas but this seems like this could rely on Sony making it happen. I can imagine Marvel and Kevin Feige being on board but Sony may have their own plans.

That’s all I have for this one.

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