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Jason Bateman’s “The Family Fang” DVD Release Date Announced

Jason Batman’s directorial debut in “Bad Words” was a home run. His second attempt at directing and playing the lead is in “The Family Fang” which will be releasing on DVD July 5, 2016. The indie film gathered some positive buzz on the festival circuit, but the limited theater release might have prevented you from seeing it, and it’s most definitely worth checking out.

The film stars Bateman and Nicole Kidman, which is a very interesting pairing. The synopsis is as follows:

Nicole Kidman and Jason Bateman are Annie and Baxter Fang, children of celebrated performance artists Caleb and Camille Fang (Christopher Walken, Maryann Plunkett). When the elder Fangs go missing under mysterious circumstances, the siblings are forced to unpack long-dormant and unresolved issues from their unorthodox childhoods as they search for their parents. (Anchor Bay)

The Family Fang releases on DVD on July 5, 2016. 

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