Spellbound, directed by Vicky Jenson and produced by Skydance Animation, takes viewers into the magical kingdom of Lumbria, a realm torn asunder by a curse that splits the land and transforms its rulers into monstrous versions of themselves. With a ...
The world is a better place whenever a good rom-com is playing. Feel-good and light-hearted romance is ever-soothing and much-needed in this chaotic world. So if you’re a fan, you wouldn’t wanna miss these new upcoming movies that are hitting ...
2024 looks promising when it comes to cinema. And to kick it off, here are 10 shows ready to be streamed this January. Here’s a list of the top 10 of those, that are worthy of our attention. 1. Griselda ...
Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom will finally see Jason Momoa dive into dangerous waters once more. The movie will be released on December 20th after three rounds of re-shoots. The trailer opens up with a bit of a recap, informing ...
Lucas Hedges is having a banner year, with starring roles in two much-talked about films, “Ben Is Back” and “Boy Erased.” “Boy Erased” is the story of the son of a Baptist minister in Arkansas who is outed to his ...
So I’m plugging along adding new content over on our YouTube channel and I notice this trailer screaming out to mean labeled “The Beguiled”. Hmm. Colin Farrell? Okay. Kirsten Dunst? Sure. Add in Elle Fanning and Nicole Kidman with some sexual ...
One of the most talked about movies this awards season is Lion. The film stars Dev Patel and Nicole Kidman. The film is nominated for Best Picture. Check it out when it comes to Blu-ray, DVD and On Demand on ...
Jason Batman’s directorial debut in “Bad Words” was a home run. His second attempt at directing and playing the lead is in “The Family Fang” which will be releasing on DVD July 5, 2016. The indie film gathered some positive ...
Synopsis: A tight-knit team of rising investigators, along with their supervisor, is suddenly torn apart when they discover that one of their own teenage daughters has been brutally murdered. (Imdb) [springboard type=”video” id=”1583427″ player=”tmbg001″ width=”599″ height=”336″ ] Secret ...
I had an opportunity to speak to Australian film director Kim Farrant about her latest film Strangerland, starring Nicole Kidman and Joseph Fiennes. The audio portion of the interview can be found below: [springboard type=”video” id=”1556833″ player=”tmbg001″ width=”599″ ...
Synopsis: Missing teens send the rural Australian town on a look-out, while the parents lives begin to fall apart. [springboard type=”video” id=”1519501″ player=”tmbg001″ width=”599″ height=”336″ ] Stranger things have happened in movies than the events that ...
Sometimes the best movies surprise you. I have to admit how underwhelmed the trailer for Stoker made me feel when I saw it late last year. To me, it seemed like the trailer was trying too hard to be edgy ...