New Harry Potter 7 Poster Online

I am really stoked about this new Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows poster.

Labelling the film simply has HP7, and tossing out the releases for Part 1 and 2, the poster instead focuses on the bleak and terrifying mess the Hogwarts school has become in the aftermath of the battle.

The darkness and maturity that this series is grown into paralells its readership as well as the author herself. While some die hards didn’t care for the last few installments, I didn’t mind the adaptations and I am very much looking forward to this massive event capping off the series.

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9 thoughts on “New Harry Potter 7 Poster Online

  1. Each time I see a Harry Potter trailer, I let myself get sucked in. I tell myself it will be a good movie, and then the let down. I am not going there this time. I predict lameness. I hope for entertainment, but we’ll see.

  2. I have a problem with some of the Deathly Hallows advertising of both films together. The poster i have no problem with however, I don’t like the dual advertising of both parts of Deathly Hallows as far as the trailer goes.

    The trailer is for both movies however, as a reader of the books a realized that much of the “action” and content of the trailer is from the 2nd half of the book and presumably from the second film.

    I have been wondering since they announced the split how they were going to do the first half of the book as a complete film. Although I Love all of Deathly Hallows the book, the most interesting and climiactic events occur in the 2nd half of the book.

    I am worried how the movie Part 1 is going to come off and how they are going to split it.

    Going back to the trailer, I worry that if the trailer(s) shows too much climactic action from the second film then fans might feel disapointed when they go to see Part 1 and don’t see any of these scenes.

    Actually, I am now starting to get the feeling that the Producers already know that Part 1 doesn’t have much action and are stacking the trailers with scenes from part 2.

    I don’t know, what do you guys think?

    1. There should be enough action in the first movie. I would have to disagree with the statement about all the action and interesting stuff happens in the second half of the book though. If I remember correctly (haven’t read the book in a longtime) in the first few chapters there is a massive battle in the real world, where I think even Voldemort is involved. I’m not 100% on that, but I have no doubt the first movie will have enough interesting stuff.

      I believe they are making the movie into 2 parts to follow the book as closely as they can. They want to include everything that 2 movies will allow, so it should have a great deal of stuff. Of course it’s an adaptation, so they will take liberties and change some things, so the first movie will be more interesting, etc.

      The poster, I love everything but the HP7. I would have preferred “The Deathly Hollows”, or the usual “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows”.

  3. I like the poster but, I don’t like the reflection at the bottom. It’s annoying because, with waves like that, no light would reflect so perfectly to create such a reflection. It was just a bad idea to put it there!!

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