Features, Movie Reviews

“The Short History of the Long Road” (2020): When the Highway is your Home

All of us have wanderlust. Whether realized via a leisurely Sunday afternoon drive, a spontaneous road trip, an exotic resort vacation or a lifestyle, we as humans are innately driven to get up, get out and migrate about at various points in our lives.

Sabrina Carpenter

The new drama “The Short History of the Long Road” is all about this need to move.   Sabrina Carpenter is wonderful here as Nola, a young woman who has known nothing but crisscrossing America in a clunky vintage van with her vagabond father. Nola is traveling a road to discovery in her young life. We watch as she learns that home is where you make it, a residence of the soul, not limited to physical location nor trappings.

And I must give heartfelt props to Writer/Director Ani Simon-Kennedy for “daring” to show Christians who are actually fully dimensional, real people, not caricatures to be exploited and belittled. This shouldn’t be bold. But amidst the mentally of the modern motion picture community, it is.

God Bless you for sharing your own voice, Ms. Simon-Kennedy.   And for not letting it drown in the malicious and mystifying anti-faith messaging flooding your business.

I invite you to enjoy all of my film reviews as “The Quick Flick Critic”, continually updated at https://thequickflickcritic.blogspot.com/

"The Short History of the Long Road" (2020): When the Highway is your Home
  • Acting - 7.75/10
  • Cinematography - 7.5/10
  • Plot/Screenplay - 7/10
  • Setting/Theme - 7.5/10
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"The Short History of the Long Road" (2020): When the Highway is your Home

…home is where you make it, a residence of the soul, not limited to physical location nor trappings.

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