Whedon and Wright talk Avengers Casting

Lots of Avengers talk this morning and quotes have surfaced from Avengers Director Joss Whedon about some recent casting choices, as well as Edgar Wright about how this affects his long proposed Ant-Man movie.

io9.com quotes Whedon on casting Renner and Ruffalo:

“The thing about Hawkeye, he’s got his bows and arrows, you need somebody who’s very very down to earth, who’s very grounded, and who’s going to be the kind of guy who, you see him, and you understand why he likes to be far away from things and then shoot at them. [With] Jeremy, he just has a lovely quality.”
“I’m stunned that we landed [Marc Ruffalo], just stunned. He has what I remember loving about the show, that quality of, you just look at him and you go through it with him, he invites you in in a way that [no] other performer has since Bill Bixby. He is a guy who’s been beaten up by life, but not defined by that. That’s what I want from Bruce Banner, is a guy who’s still getting it done, even though he has his problem.”

And also, Edgar Wright talks about why we wont be seeing Ant-Man in The Avengers:

I talked to Kevin Feige about that a while back where we just discussed about whether he would be in The Avengers. The thing is, the script that I’ve written, you know, whether it’s next or not I don’t know, the chronology of it or the way it works wouldn’t really fit in with what they do. And my film is very much an introduction to that character, and so it wasn’t something where it felt right to introduce him in that film. Maybe if I do the solo Ant-Man film and maybe there’s a later Avengers then they could draft him in later. But it didn’t work with the kind of the angle that we were going to do with the origin that I’d written.

It would throw a wrench in his plans if they did include him, just to have him carry on a solo film after, but it also suggests we might not see the Wasp as she would be the logical love interest for the fragile Henry Pym.

Eva Longoria’s long rumoured involvement as “in negotiations” to play The Wasp resurfaced yesterday, but is shot down today. While I am not opposed to seeing her curves in the tiny hero’s outfit the casting is settling less and less with me.

I would assume they wouldn’t cast Wasp until they have their Ant-Man because the characters will have to have some sort of chemistry. Still routing for Fillion to be Ant-Man though.

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4 thoughts on “Whedon and Wright talk Avengers Casting

  1. What I want to know is, why is there no Spiderman or Wolverine in the Avengers movie? They are a big part of the Avengers. Especially if the Hulk is going to be the villain.

    1. First off, Spiderman and Wolverine were honourary members for their brief appearances in Avengers or helping them out. They were NEVER a “big part of the Avengers” so there is no reason to think they would make an appearance.

      Secondly, Spider-Man’s film rights are owned by Sony and therefore Marvel Films cannot even suggest that Spider-Man exists in their films. Same with Wolverine or any of the X-Men. Those rights are with Fox.

      Until those studios decide to give up the rights to the characters, Marvel Films cannot use them.

  2. In a small way, I was disappointed to hear this, but it makes sense. The Avengers roster is filled up and adding two more characters might be two too many. There is no need to have Pym and Wasp (although they could get a mention) since “Avengers” is already named. Then there’s casting. Wright would have to use the actors in Avengers, and those actors would have to be locked down for Ant-Man.

    Yo Eva…ask for Mockingbird instead if you want the Avengers. You won’t get it, but it’s worth a shot.

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