Day of the Fight 2024 (1)

Day of the Fight- Chicago – Advance Screening

Would you like to see Day of the Fight starring Michael C. Pitt, Steve Buscemi, Ron Perlman, Joe Pesci, and more?  Would you like to see it early and free? Enter for the chance to grab a free pass to the advanced screening. Winners will be notified via-email no 5pm CST on Thursday, December 12. Not all RSVPs will be honored due to limited ticket availability. An RSVP does not guarantee a ticket.

Day of the Fight 2024 (1)

How To Enter the Giveaway:

Link 1: Click Here To Enter

Screener Details

Friday, December 13

7:00 PM

AMC River East

322 E. Illinois St.

Saturday, December 14

7:45 PM

AMC River East

About Day of The Fight:

Day of the Fight, directed by Jack Huston, isn’t just a boxing movie; it’s a raw, intimate look into the soul of a man fighting to reclaim his life. At its heart is Mike Flannigan, a former boxer freshly out of prison, played by Michael Pitt with a fierce vulnerability. This is a man who’s haunted by his past but willing to step back into the ring for a chance at redemption. The story unfolds over the course of a single, tension-filled day as Mike prepares for his first fight in years—an event that’s about far more than winning or losing . It’s his shot at reclaiming a sliver of dignity and mending the fractured relationships he left behind.


With gritty, black-and-white cinematography, the film immerses you in the harsh, unvarnished world Mike inhabits—a world populated by people who love him but are wary of trusting him again. Joe Pesci plays his estranged father, bringing a weary strength to their complex dynamic, while Steve Buscemi appears as his uncle, a figure torn between hope and doubt.


Day of the Fight doesn’t just focus on the physical battles of boxing; it’s a meditation on the battles we all fight inside, the ones that no one else sees. Huston’s storytelling invites viewers to connect deeply with Mike’s journey and leaves us wondering if redemption is really possible for someone who’s lost everything.

Day of the Fight 2024 (1)

Director: Jack Huston
Writer(s):Jack Huston
Stars: Michael C. Pitt, Nicolette Robinson, John Magaro, Steve Buscemi, Ron Perlman and Joe Pesci
Day of the Fight in theaters Dec 13th, 2024. Be sure to follow E-Man’s Movie Reviews on Facebook, Subscribe on YouTube, or follow me on Twitter/IG @EmansReviews for even more movie news and reviews!

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