Evans Talks Captain America Suit and Shield

Chris evens got talking about his Captain America role, and specifically about the costume.

It seems this will mostly be a war story and not about Rogers as a symbol just yet. We wont see him in the red white and blue digs until two thirds the way through the film.

Splashpage quotes Evans

“There’s a couple stages [of the suit]. Initially in the script, Steve [Rogers] isn’t Captain America right away. He gets the injection and isn’t asked to go to war right off the bat, he’s used in different areas and different facets. So he has a couple different stages of the suit. I don’t think he jumps in the final suit until the third act of the film” says Evans.

Evans added that the shield as well will be upgraded through the film – “During the USO tour, there’s obviously a different shield. He goes on a couple missions, goes AWOL, and takes the USO shield. Once he’s allowed to be this soldier and they outfit him with a new uniform, they decide to outfit him with an updated shield.”

Now I don’t mind this, as it is an origin story.

And unlike some other characters like Iron Man who couldn’t really BE Iron Man without his armour, Rogers is Captain America even without the suit and shield. It is the story about how he becomes this symbol and what he means to the American forces at that time.

He also suggests there will be two versions of the shield, so perhaps we will see the triangular Kite Shield first?

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12 thoughts on “Evans Talks Captain America Suit and Shield

  1. I think that they should pick seperate actors for different roles


    Christian Bale = Batman
    Heath Ledger = Joker
    Nicholas Cage = Ghost Rider
    Hugh Jackman = Wolverine
    Robert Downey Jr = IronMan
    James Marsden = Cyclops
    Halle Berry = Storm
    Chris Evens = the Human torch/Captain America this is counter intuitive.
    Plus he’s not the best actor either.

    1. You should look at the more recent posts with pictures of him in the Cap outfit.

      NO ONE is going to make any connection between his character in Fantastic Four and his portrayal of Captain America. And you clearly need to watch more movies with Evans in it. You dont even spell his name right. I doubt that they would have given him the role if they felt he was “not the best actor”

      As far as your other references, I could easily see a different actor take on roles like Ghost Rider, Cyclops, Storm, and even Batman or the Joker. Halle Berry is also Catwoman, but that didn’t hurt Storm.

      Any actor can be replaced. Its not always easy, but there is never an absolute as to who should play a role. No matter how great they do, someone COULD have done it better.

  2. Love what I’m hearing, The kite shield should be the first then the final getup at the end…War movie is what’s been in my head all along.

    any word on Buckey?

  3. Sounds promising, I am still worried about the shield. Just hope they get it right. I am sure they have spent a crazy amount of money this time around compared to their low budget TV movies that were released.

    The news is getting more exciting day by day. I’ll try and abstain from the race issue, Steve Rogers was written as a Caucasian character with an Irish heritage background I believe? So that is all I need to know.

    1. Why would he be? Steve Rogers wasn’t black. And historically at that time of racial intolerance they wouldn’t have chosen a black man to be their symbol of hope for the American forces.

      Its still Steve Rogers, just looks like it will focus more on the time spent before he put on the suit.

      1. Some characters race don’t matter. You said spider-man doesn’t have to be white.

        My question is, if cap isn’t going to be used as a symbol, does his race matter? Since it seems like they didn’t choose him for a symbol of hope in the film, just someone to experiment on.

      2. indeed Steve Rogers isn’t black, although there area a mini series form Marvel awhile agoe that told the story on how black soldiers being used as guinea pigs for the serum. That could be incorporated to the origin sotry. Also Steve Roger having some moral issue when he found it out.

      3. I said he wouldn’t be used as a symbol YET. From Evans’ quote it sounds like his actions will result in him becoming the symbol of inspiration from his actions and not as some PR ploy.

        Race wouldn’t matter in most cases, but the movie is set in World War 2 and like it or not, socially a black man wouldn’t have become a symbol the way Rogers did.

        If they were doing a modern Captain America that was created for a modern army and not WWII, then it wouldn’t matter.

      4. When you say Yet, do you mean not in this film, but in the sequel or something?

        I fully expect this film to end in present day. If it does, and he’s not a symbol by the end, then his race shouldn’t matter, even in world war 2.

      5. Evans says he will be refitted with a new shield and the red white and blue costume in the third act.

        Decorating him up to stand out sounds like he will be that symbol by then.

  4. Ya technically Capt doesn’t need a shield or the get-up…it’s all about the super serum. I just can’t wait to see him move like when Hulk fought the blonde dude when he was human….think his name was blonskey.

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