Rose McGowan to be Red Sonja

Rose McGowan is the stuff wet dreams are made of, but I am near certain she wouldn’t have much of a career if it wasn’t for her director boytoy Robert Rodriguez lining her up in all his gigs. The Barbarella remake is set to star Rose, and now he wants her to take on Red Sonja.

Comingsoon says:

According to USA Today, real-life couple director Robert Rodriguez and Rose McGowan are teaming up to bring Red Sonja back to the big screen.Neither of them were officially announced before. The only thing that was revealed previously was that Millennium Films had committed to reviving the Robert E. Howard-created property. David N. White was announced as the screenwriter.

Rose is seriously hot, so she fills the fantasy medieval plate-mail bikini quotient, but can she even lift something bigger than an iPod?

If they go with this, I would love to see the posters, but considering the considerably fit she warrior Brigitte Nielsen was brought in to play the unconquerable woman I doubt Rose could really BE Red Sonja.

So why is she even being considered? Oh right. I’d give her the part if I was Robert. Hell. I’d give her anything.

There is a REAL reason this role has never been duplicated. No woman has had the balls to do it.

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