More comics: John Singleton directing Luke Cage

LukeCage.jpgSee, I knew there was some hope for the Superhero genre, and with John Singleton helming the latest attempt this one could prove to be quite good. Mind you, a good Director does not equate to a good Superhero movie, but we at least there’s more hope.

While researching another item I happened by the current film in progress by Singleton, Luke Cage. IMDB describe the film as:

The comic book adaptation is about a former gang member who is framed for a crime he didn’t commit. In prison, he volunteers for a medical experiment that goes awry, giving him superstrength and bulletproof skin. Using his newfound powers, Luke Cage escapes and becomes a hero for hire.

Oh, and not a hero for good or justice, just for hire mind you. That suggests there could be a slightly bad element to him. Oh, how refreshing!

Actually, I’ve just had an idea, you know what would be good? Let’s not create a new superhero film, let’s create a supervillan movie! All from his perspective, I think that there could be some mileage there!

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