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James Gunn DCEU reboot Squad.

James Gunn Should Reboot The DCEU And We All Need To Get Over It

Despite best wishes and intentions, it looks like the DCEU might be coming to an end. A recent report, and subsequent quasi-confirmations, inform us that Wonder Woman 3 is no longer happening. This is due to the multi-year plan that new co-CEOs James Gunn and Peter Safran are plotting. It looks like the third Wonder Woman movie will not happen at Warner Bros., as it doesn’t fit in with the planned vision of the new DC Studios. But at this point, I think we should just reboot the whole thing. A James Gunn DCEU reboot would benefit the new company, as well as all of us as fans. A clean slate. Read on to find out the best way to go about this.

There Will Be No Wonder Woman 3

James Gunn DCEU reboot Wonder Woman..

Image via Warner Bros.

A new exclusive from The Hollywood Reporter makes a lot of claims about the current status of the DCEU under Gunn and Safran. And while Gunn himself has tweeted some clarifications about the report, one thing seems for sure; no more Wonder Woman 3.

THR claims that director and co-writer Patty Jenkins’ treatment of Wonder Woman 3 didn’t fit in with Gunn and Safran’s current work-in-progress plan. The wording in THR seems to imply that while Jenkins’ treatment didn’t work, there might be other iterations of a Wonder Woman movie that could, possibly, maybe still happen. But so far, there are no reports of any Wonder Woman movie in development.

Henry Cavill Returning As Superman Is Also In Question

James Gunn DCEU reboot Superman.

Image via Warner Bros.

Less than a month after we reported how a Henry Cavill-led Man Of Steel sequel was in the works, it doesn’t seem like the case anymore. The THR report confirms that, while Warner Bros. wanted a new Superman movie, it is seemingly in conflict with Gunn and Safarn’s unfolding plans. Which is just another of the problems that Gunn and Safran have inherited from the previous administrations.

David Zaslov hired the duo back in October 2022 for a November 1, 2022 start date. However, weeks earlier. Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson began teasing Henry Cavill’s Superman appearance at the end of Black Adam. Then the movie released on October 21, 2022, 9 days before Gunn and Safran became co-CEOs of DC Studios. After which, Cavill confirmed on social media his return as Superman in the DCEU in Black Adam, and apparently many more projects. One of which THR has confirmed will be as a cameo in The Flash.

How James Gunn And Peter Safran Inherited A Mess

James Gunn DCEU reboot Back Adam.

Image via Warner Bros.

So basically, before Gunn & Safran’s even started their first official day at DC Studios, The Rock and Henry Cavill made ‘official’ statements about Superman returning and being a bigger part of the DCEU. Looking back, you can see how they were in no position to make these statements, given that Gunn and Safran didn’t even begin to plan out what the new DCU would look like yet.

It’s not even like putting the cart before the horse, but more like putting a rocket-propelled caravan that hasn’t been invented yet, before the horse. So the THR report confirming that a Henry Cavill starring Superman movie may not happen, shouldn’t come as much of a surprise to anyone.

Even Aquaman, which was one of the DCEU’s biggest box office hits, might not be sticking around. Jason Mamoa has all but confirmed that he’ll be playing a different role in Gunn’s DCU. This definitely means that the Aquaman sequel is his last time as the character.

It’s Time For A James Gunn DCEU Reboot

The other issues are that there are some parts of the DCEU are actually working. Everyone loves Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman. Mamoa is pitch-perfect as Aquaman. And there’s a huge fan base supporting Cavill’s return as Superman. Myself included. And these actors have been legendary in bringing these characters to life. For this generation, these actors are their Wonder Woman, Aquaman and Superman. Hell, even Ben killed it as Batman!

However, at the end of the day, it feels like we’re rooting for individual athletes to score the most points in one game, rather than for the team to win a championship. While these actors embody their characters amazingly, is that worth holding on to at the expense of a properly connected shared universe of DC stories in live-action? Gadot is the second live-action Wonder Woman, and Mamoa is the first live-action Aquaman. (Not counting Alan Ritchson in Smallville). So is it fair for those iconic characters to only be played by one or two actors when others like Superman and Batman have versions approaching double digits? It’s also not fair to Gunn and Safran.

A James Gunn DCEU Reboot Could Be Beneficial For So Many Reasons

James Gunn DCEU reboot Batman.

Image via Warner Bros.

Other creators like Kevin Feige, Matt Reeves, and Greg Berlanti are free to create their vision of a connected universe or franchise, how ever they want. So why should Gunn and Safran be restricted and beholden to others’ visions, ideas and concepts already presented in the DCEU? And most importantly: to mixed and divisive reactions. If the DCEU was just a perfectly connected franchise, then there’s no debate. But given the state of the DCEU— hated, beloved, reworked, soft rebooted, this director’s cut and that hashtag campaign, and so many more problems— what are we really losing out on?

James Gunn should do a total hard reboot of everything within the current DCEU and start over. Cast new actors, craft new stories and progressively grow the DCU without the burdens of what came before. A truly clean slate.

But despite my wishes, as Gunn tweeted out himself, we’ll all have to wait and see how Gunn and Safran’s plans unfold.

What do you think a James Gunn DCEU reboot should look like? Hard? Soft? Selective? Let me know in the comments below. 

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