New Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull Trailer Leaked

A new bootleg Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull trailer has been leaked online. Its a little rough, but its pretty decent.

Cinematical tips us off:

It’s quite obviously leaked, though it doesn’t look all that bad — and it features a ton of new, familiar dialogue as well as new scenes mixed with ones we’ve already seen. The trailer opens up with Indy talking about the Crystal Skull, how it’s guarded by the living dead and that whoever finds it will gain its powers. Cut to the devilish Irina Spalko (Cate Blanchett) who tells Indy that he is to help her (and a bunch of other evil Russians) find it. Thus begins another Indiana Jones adventure

I personally would liked to have heard the Indiana Jones theme come up a little sooner. The segments before the fanfare begins might have been better with music.

Still no indication of an Aliens storyline. This appears to be purely supernatural at this point. Maybe the rumours were just to throw people off. Maybe not.

I think the last Indy trailer was better.

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