It appears my good friend Wesley Snipes is having some tax trouble. We get the story fromIMDB:
Hollywood star Wesley Snipes has accused prosecutors of targeting him on federal tax evasion charges because of the color of his skin. The star of the Blade trilogy was last year accused of fraudulently claiming refunds totaling nearly $12 million for income taxes already paid between 1996 and 1997. He was further charged with failure to file returns from 1999 through to 2004. But Snipes believes he is the victim of “unscrupulous tax advice” and his attorneys will argue that prosecutors filed additional tax evasion charges against him and not against two other defendants because they are “Caucasian, while Mr. Snipes is African-American.” According to the indictment, Snipes’ taxes were prepared by accountants with a history of filing false returns to reap payments for their clients. A federal judge is set to consider the motion.
Let me start my commentary by saying that Wesley Snipes is 100% innocent. He is a victim of “unscrupulous tax advice” and should be allowed to right his wrongs without prosecution. If his accountants were known to have history of filing false claims, I think that the investigation should begin and end with them.
Wesley Snipes is a role model to almost everyone on the planet earth. On many occasions he has said to me over sushi, “I love to pay taxes because it helps people.” You see, people who love to pay taxes do not lie to avoid paying them. Wesley wanted to may as much tax as he was allowed but the dirty bean counting accountants tricked him into paying less. Believe me, Wesley is going to give them hell about this if they are able to stay out of jail.
If he is getting a harsher treatment than the other Caucasian defendants then his attorneys are right to point this out. People may say he is using a “race card” to get leverage, but if all things are equal and he is being judged differently, then one would have to take race into consideration. You see they hate Wesley because he is half vampire.
At the end of the day I think this is a waste of time. Taking Wesley out of his home and making him go to court is a crime against humanity. How the hell is he supposed to fight vampires if he is tied up in legal proceedings all day long. Wesley, we love you, we support you and we hope to see you free and clear of these defamatory accusations once and for all.