The Blair Witch Project was a successful film, it was innovative and was masterful in its use of resources. The sequel was pure filthy garbage. Disgusting trash that pissed all over the first movie in disrespect. We now learn that a prequel is in the works. We get the scoop and following news about the film from our friends at JoBlo:
Well, our idea for the prequel isn’t realizing any manifestation of the witch itself, it just delves into the mythology of the witch itself. How the legend got started, and arguably whether it was true or not… I think it’s important to always maintain that ambiguity, whether the legend is a supernatural force in the woods, or if it is all in people’s minds. I think most boogeymen are just that, a little bit of both. What is Bigfoot really? Is it a bear, is it an eight-foot monster roaming the badlands…..for me the prequel would be an exploration of the start of the legend, the whole back-story, and would give people an idea of where all that mythology took root and why. I think that would be cool.”
The Blair Witch sequel really killed the buzz from the first film. I remember talking to people out of the theater when we saw Blair Witch 2 and saying to each other “what the fuck….was that?” I do not think a prequel is a wise idea here unless you decide to go direct to DVD. I know I will not give this movie a chance after the last one.
Part of the reason horror movies are so creepy is because you have unknowns about the villains. If they go on and explain everything about the witch it certainly does not leave as much room for the imagination to wander, and could further damage the story of the original film. We will wait and see how it turns out, but I am not expecting much.
International friends what do you think about this news?