Movie News Chat

Top 10 Vampire Horror Movies To Watch

Bloodthirsty, pale-faced with sporting fangs; vampires are dreadful and inhumanely scary. Luckily, they’re fictional, so you don’t need to shield your neck whenever a ghoulish creature busts out sharp fangs.  If you’re craving a good vampire feature, then Robert Eggers ...
Movie Features
Stephen King The Monkey

Top 10 Stephen King’s Adaptations

Every book lover’s dream is an adaptation that is a smack carbon copy of what they read. The horror genre is no exception. The King of Horror, Stephen King has penned twisted, dark, and look-over-your-shoulder stories and they’ve been adapted ...
Movie Features

Top Ten Movies To Binge On Father’s Day

Father’s Day is the perfect time to celebrate the first man you loved. So bag the weekend with both hands and treat the king of your life with a nice brunch and some (or maybe all) of these movies. Movies ...

An Introduction To Australian Movies

When most people think about famous movie scenes, they often picture Hollywood. However, Australia has its own collection of films that have caught the attention of audiences all around the world. Australia’s movies come with stories that touch everyone, no ...