TV Reviews
(L-R): Jean Grey (voiced by Jennifer Hale), Gambit (voiced by AJ LoCascio), Cyclops (voiced by Ray Chase), Rogue (voiced by Lenore Zann), Magneto (voiced by Matthew Waterson), Beast (voiced by George Buza), Bishop (voiced by Isaac Robinson-Smith), Wolverine (voiced by Cal Dodd), Storm (voiced by Alison Sealy-Smith), and Jubilee (voiced by Holly Chou) in Marvel Animation's X-MEN '97. Photo courtesy of Marvel Animation. © 2024 MARVEL.

X-Men 97 Episode 2 Recap and Review

*Spoilers ahead for episode 2 of X-Men 97*

In X-Men 97 episode 2, titled “Mutant Liberation Begins,” Magneto takes charge of the X-Men following Professor Xavier’s departure. With a newfound mission to protect both humans and mutants, Magneto shows restraint by not killing anti-mutant militants, a move that earns him mixed reactions from the team. Cyclops and Jean, distrustful of Magneto’s intentions, decide to stay with the X-Men while Rogue feels a deep empathy for Magneto’s struggles. The episode’s turning point occurs when UN forces, led by Dr. Valerie Cooper, attempt to arrest Magneto for his past terrorism. To prove his commitment to peaceful coexistence, Magneto agrees to surrender and face trial.

During the trial at the UN headquarters, the Friends of Humanity (FoH) launch a violent attack. Their leader, X-Cutioner, targets Magneto with a depowering radiation blast, but Storm heroically takes the hit, resulting in the loss of her abilities. This intense moment underscores the complexities and sacrifices involved in the fight for mutant rights.

X-Men 97 Episode 2 Review:

Make sure to watch my in-depth video review of this episode, where I break down key scenes, character developments, and thematic elements. Don’t forget to leave your thoughts and reactions in the comments!

Key Moments and Character Development

The episode continues with Jean going into labor amidst the chaos, and Rogue is forced to absorb an obstetrician’s knowledge to help deliver the baby. Jean gives birth to Nathan, adding a new layer of personal stakes for Cyclops and Jean. Magneto’s trial is interrupted by the FoH’s assault, but he manages to apprehend X-Cutioner and stop the attack, leading to his eventual pardon. This act of heroism sparks discussions about the mutant nation Genosha joining the UN.

The ending brings a mix of hope and heartbreak. Beast informs Storm that her depowerment is permanent, leading her to leave the team in search of new meaning. The episode closes with the sudden appearance of a woman who looks identical to Jean, setting up intriguing possibilities for future episodes.

Final Thoughts

“Mutant Liberation Begins” delivers a gripping continuation of X-Men 97, blending action, drama, and character depth. Magneto’s leadership and the X-Men’s evolving dynamics promise exciting developments ahead.

X-Men 97 Interview:

X-MEN '97 Marvel Animation Marvel Studios

X-MEN ’97, exclusively on Disney+. © 2024 MARVEL.

Director: Jake Casterano
Writer(s): Beau DeMayo
Stars: Jennifer Hale, Ray Chase, Alison Sealy-Smith, Cal Dodd, George Buza, A.J. LoCascio, Holly Chou
X-Men ’97 comes to Disney+ on March 20, 2024. Be sure to follow E-Man’s Movie Reviews on Facebook, Subscribe on YouTube, or follow me on Twitter/IG @EmansReviews for even more movie news and reviews!

X-Men 97 Episode 2 Recap and Review
  • Acting - 9/10
  • Cinematography/Visual Effects - 9/10
  • Plot/Screenplay - 8/10
  • Setting/Theme - 8/10
  • Watchability - 10/10
  • Rewatchability - 10/10
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