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Must See Movies From November


The BFG is the kind of movie that live animation is made for. Visually sizzling. I wasn’t high on this movie initially, but after giving it another try, I can’t help but appreciate the visuals. The film is about an orphan girls (Sophie Barnhill) unique friendship with a Big Friendly Giant (Mark Rylance). Watching the movie it was pretty clear that Rylance had a big influence into the character. The characters mannerisms, the facial expressions are heavily resembling that of Rylance. There are some neat extras on the Blu-ray version that are worth checking out, especially if you are curious about how the animation was brought to life. This is a kids movie, but the adults will get the messages of the movie.

The BFG is available on Blu-ray, DVD, Digtial HD and Disney Movies Anywhere

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