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‘The Sea of Trees’ Blu-ray Release Announcement

The Sea of Trees slipped under my radar. Matthew McConaughey and Naomi Watts is a powerful duo. I didn’t know much about the premise of the movie, but here is the official synopsis from Lionsgate:

In this powerful story of love and redemption, Arthur, an American professor, travels to Japan in the midst of a personal crisis. As he wanders through a mysterious forest with a dark past, he meets an enigmatic stranger who is lost and injured. The two embark on a spiritual, life-changing journey of friendship and survival that reconnects Arthur with his love for his wife.

Sounds intriguing for sure. There is only one special feature:


  • The Sea of Trees: A Story of Beauty and Tragedy” Featurette

The Sea of Trees releases releases on Blu-ray & DVD on November 1

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