
Here’s the Pacific Rim trailer now with Del Toro commentary

Remember that Pacific Rim trailer from like, yesterday, that was kinda awesome if not a bit unexpected due to it being rooted in geek-taskik-goodness that just seems like it might dissuade the non-geek audience. Well the trailer is back but this time we’re getting it with more commentary from director Guillermo Del Toro courtesy of MTV!

Guillermo was wise to cast Charlie Hunnam and Idris Elba in this film as those two resonate fairly well with mainstream audiences in a “chicks dig em, guys wanna be em” kinda way. I like that he elaborates on the film and he clears up a lot of sepculation that ran rampant in the past 24hrs since the trailer was released and I for one appreaciate his forthrightness with the information. I’m sure I’m going to see this film and I’m pretty confident I’ll have a good time but I’m apprehensive as to how the mainstream audience will react, mainly cus it’s an atypical film from a beloved but atypical director.

Via: Latino Review by way of MTV Films Blog

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