
Trailer: Promised Land


The film “Promised Land” has a plethora of talent surrounding it. The director of “Good Will Hunting,” Gus Van Sant, will be working once again with the film’s star, Matt Damon, in this film about a big corporation looking to capitalize on rural farmers’ land. Matt Damon and the film’s other star, John Krasinski, collaborated on writing the screenplay for this film. I hope that the collaborative effort on this project pays off and gives us a great film. Take a look at the trailer below.



We’ve got a familiar story heard many times before, corporate employee with a conscience deals with the internal struggle of furthering his career or doing what’s best for the people. Internal conflict has always been a successful element in heartfelt dramatic films as long as the audience can relate to the characters. Given the talent, I do not see character development being an issue in this film. Alongside Matt Damon, John Krasinski, and Frances McDormand, Oscar nominee Hal Holbrook will play a pivotal role in the film. Holbrook was nominated for his role in “Into the Wild” and his performance was absolutely amazing. Out of the already established cast, I was actually most excited to see him appearing in the film. I hope that with this talent the film will build a stronger dynamic story than the generic one we’ve heard many times, but even if they stay in the generic realm, I think it will still turn out to be a great film.

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