Spiderman 4 gets a New Writer Already

Looks like a Spiderman 4 script was being worked on by James Vanderbilt. But before we even get rumours about the direction he is headed in, the script is being re-written by Gary Ross?

ReelComix says:

Spiderman 4 is slated for a 2010 release date and at this time there is no solid word on what the storyline will be but there have been plenty of rumors and speculation. The script was originally written by James Vanderbilt.

I try my best to look upon them as positive things in hopes that we dodged a bullet. Maybe the script was horrible and they can the first guy for a potentially better script. Perhaps they just wanted to go a different way.

Either way I try to keep positive about it and hope that they are not just throwing it away for no reason.

Gary Ross wrote Seabiscuit (The film that was the basis of the first ever TMB post) and Pleasantville, both movies that played to Tobey Maguire’s strengths as an everyday man. And he also wrote Big.

I am looking forward to seeing what he does with Spiderman, but I wonder if this sensable storywriter has the digs for action and adventure.

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