Max Payne Beginnings

We have a new trailer to show you for the upcoming Max Payne, and learn that the film has flip/flopped again to an R Rating? We get the scoop and video thanks to our friends at moviesonline:

Awhile back it was reported that Max Payne got a PG13 rating but now it would seem that is not so. After it being widely reported it got its PG-13 rating the Hollywood Reporter is now reporting that the movie is RATED R

We recently reported that Payne had made the PG-13 rating; and now it’ s back to R. I don’t know what to tell you folks. I think i’ll wait and see what the rating will be on opening day, how about that. Until then, I consider this unrated.

Now the Hollywood Reporter may have made a mistake, but at this point – I doubt it.

This trailer has too much whispering for me. It seems very awkward, I dunno. Watch the trailer, and then just listen to it… If I was talking about my plans for revenge I don’t think I would be whispering much. Maybe I’m blowing this out of proportion, but this spot came off as incredibly lame.

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