Live Action Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Movie Update. NOT HAPPENING!!

Just yesterday Doug posted news about a new Live Action Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Movie. I don’t blame him for talking about the news since it reported right from the mouth of Kevin Eastman, Turtles co-creator and current editor of Heavy Metal Magazine. You think the guy would know. But guess what?

Its not true. Stephen Murphy’s Blog, The 5th Turtle says:

“Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” writer Stephen Murphy wrote on his Blog that “This is complete nonsense and entirely untrue.”

I think this is fine news indeed. The news of another liveaction Turtles movie turned my stomach. The original live action “man in suit” rubber turtles was good for its time, clearly geared for a younger demographic, but it had its value.
But technology has outgrown that sort of movie. The rubber suit is out dated, especially for a martial arts character. They could have a live action movie with MoCapture CG Turtles in it and it would pass as believable. And last year’s TMNT animated feature was SO GOOD I quite figured if they sequeled anything, it would be that movie with another CGAnimated feature. It still retained some of that kiddie “Cowabunga dude” while moving it back to a more serious storyline with a taste of grim reality.

No word on whether the 2007 CG animated feature will be getting a sequel, but I hope so!

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22 thoughts on “Live Action Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Movie Update. NOT HAPPENING!!

  1. I am very disappointed to here that a live action feature isn’t being made. Nothing was more believable than the first turtles movie. If I could get something like that again I would be happy. No CGI turtles! Rubber beats cartoons any day. Rubber and latex has more texture and density. CGI turtles in a live action feature is not necessary.

  2. yeah wtf rodney youre like the comic book expert i wish you where in the uncut thing because im tired of john saying

    “yeah…i never read the ghost rider comix so i cant comment on that..”
    doug: “next question!”
    and im at home:
    “are you fucking serious????? NO WHERE THE FUCK IS RODNEY!”

    comic book movies are like what i like the most…

    oh and everyone in this website needs to fucking read watchmen already lol

    nothing against john and doug though- doug is histerical and john has seen pretty much every movie ever made… the trio must stick together for the team to be a solid squad lol

  3. lol@Mattiac. John and I disagree on a lot of things, and agree and a lot too. However I assure you that we are in fact two different people.

    I’ve got a face perfect for radio, so I don’t often appear on the site, however there are some videos of FanExpo Coverage from this year that have me in them.

  4. @Rodney&John: I’ve always thought you were the same person. :P I have never seen a picture of Rodney. If you upload one, I’m sure it’s just a picture of John with a green nose (Photoshop?) just to lure us into thinking that’s Rodney and not John. Alter egos… :)

  5. :( This news made me sad as hell! I want a Turtles 4 live action!
    But I don’t want Shredder. Rat King would be cool, I think. I want the voice Splinter had in Turtles 1-2 and not the one he had in Turtles 3.

    @Monty: My friend! You’re sooo right! I would finance the movie myself if I had lots of money but I don’t have it now. :(

  6. Peter Jackson never had a man in suit try to act like a ninja. They were all just lumbering orcs. Putting a guy in a huge suit like a rubber TMNT suit and try to act fast, graceful and lethal would be a joke.

  7. there WILL be another one…itll be on the shredder too…they say it at the end of the last one when the girl ninja talks to splinter..and im glad its not live action…

  8. I wasn’t referring to the creator of this post RODNEY. I was referring to Johns comments yesterday on the podcast. Although Your assumptions that they would just use the same tactics for a new movie are a bit silly. Why can we create amazing creatures in other movies but all the sudden everyone thinks that there is no way you can pull off a live action TMNT movie without it being cheese?

  9. @ Trent

    The movie sequel is still on, just not the version Kevin Eastman is talking about.

    @moviegab and sethrex

    I personally wish they could have stayed with complete CG as well, I’m not completely sold on the idea of a live action/CGI hybrid movie, how will CG turtles interact with live actors, without appearing silly(especially the fight scenes)? It would take a lot of money for the vfx to be able pull this off.

  10. This sucks because it basically says that there will be no new turtles film. I really wanted to see a dark gritty tmnt that was live action. I do agree with john about the martial arts In the suits but I’m still upset

  11. Just for the record, no one ever mentioned the use of rubber suits, the idea had always been live action humans with CGI turtles, this is from Peter Laird’s blog (the other co-creator of TMNT, who still owns the rights to them):

    “Yes, we had a movie meeting yesterday (one of several we’ve had over the last few months). As Mirage policy is to not discuss details until an actual deal is in place, I must be circumspect. However, I can say this — the people we met with are enthusiastic and energetic and very much want to do a TMNT movie, and I believe they have the wherewithal to accomplish that goal. And it is almost entirely certain that if we do the movie with these folks, it will be a live action/CGI hybrid. — PL”

  12. Well that’s good Bret. Because I am not John.

    Hollywood can do so much better than some cheesey “man in suit” crap. I don’t know why anyone would WANT that. If they were going to go live action at very least I would expect them to motion capture acrobats and martial arts experts and make CG turtles that just LOOK real.

    And there is a big difference between a COSTUME and a person attempting martial arts in a rubber turtle suit. What Jackson and Del Toro did were costume pieces. None of them were in clunky 5 foot turtle mascot outfits trying to do acrobatics.

  13. I’m gonna have to disagree with you about the rubber suit being outdated. Peter Jackson and Del Toro have both really showed the way to do it is to mesh CG with practical effects such as suits.

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