Will there be a Hellboy3?

I loved the Hellboy movies and the animated features. I was never a big fan of the comic book, but the translation to screen has won me over. So now that Hellboy has found a home on DVD releases and theatrical features, is it any surprise they are considering Hellboy3?

Superhero Hype says:

Guillermo del Toro says that a third “Hellboy” movie is not out of the question, but it would have to wait a long time due to his commitments to “The Hobbit” films and more. Langley said the studio is interested and may work with del Toro to add a TV series and online segments to broaden the following before making the series finale.

I have always been a Hellboy fan and I quite expected them to have another Hellboy movie, but Del Toro seems to think it will have to wait for him. Perhaps he has some sort of pact with the devil that means only he will be able to do this. I am not opposed to Del Toro taking it on, but I dont want to have to wait until 2017 to see a third chapter. There are other fine directors around that could do this justice.

But the idea of a TV series just rocks. Ron Perlman has been absent from a regular TV series for some time now, but he is no stranger to television, or elaborate costumes. Back in the 80s he starred alongside Linda Hamilton in a modern retelling of Beauty and the Beast that lasted 3 seasons.

Hellboy could really benefit from the larger sandbox that an ongoing series would provide. Stories would not have to be restrained in the limitations of a 90 minute movie and it can really be used to set the pace for a third movie eventually.

Hellboy is a vast world that we haven’t even seen the beginning of. I can’t wait to see it explored.

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19 thoughts on “Will there be a Hellboy3?

  1. True. I still cringe when I think back to some of the CG mythical creatures in shows like Xena and Hercules. But CG has come a long way and like anything to do with computers it gets faster and cheaper every few months. But I still think it could be done. Maybe if they pitched the idea of reducing the seasons by a couple of episodes to make the budgets go further? Or…here’s a thought, get the networks to stop wasting money on reality shows that only keep the public’s interest for the first episode or 2 then die in the ‘A’. ( I really hate reality TV!)

  2. Problem with TV is that for a series like hellboy you would need a LOT of cgi elements to make it look cool. TV doesnt have those budgets.

    Like Farscape or a dozen other scifi, aliens look like people in a costume because they dont have the budget to make flying lizard elephant with 7 legs.

  3. If you watch the DVD of HB2 there is an Epilogue in which Del Toro/Mignola give us a tease animation of what might possibly come forth in a 3quel. I think a TV series would be great and it can be done. Look at Farscape. Way ahead of it’s time with creatures and sets and it broke away from the Star Trek mold of “aliens have to look really human”. Budgets for TV are much bigger now as the atmosphere-of-choice is in the home watching the big screen plasma/LCD, instead of the cinema and the DVD’s of each season will still reach the same audiences so why not a TV series? Just think of how much more of the Hellboy universe could be explored in a TV series.
    Go-go-go, Del Tor-o!

  4. I sure as hell hope so, loved both Hellboy movies but Ron Perlman is getting old fast, so it had better be relatively soon. I cannot see anyone else playing this role, so it has to be Ron for now.

  5. I don’t think Perlman would be too thrilled with the idea of doing another TV series where he’s covered in make up all the time.
    I don’t see it happening. If it does I’m betting it will be animated.

    Even though I hated Hellboy 2 I would be down for a third one but only if they would go back to the pulp horror instead of this crap fantasy wankery.

  6. Best case scenerio for Hellboy 3 without Del Toro at the helm? Convince the studio to trust him as he steps down and co-writes the script and/or produces instead with someone else directing.

    But I also am more down with a possible TV series. One thing is a sure deal for me: if Hellboy 3 doesn’t arrive until 2017…by that time it will have be redone, recast, re something OR be this End Of The World Slam Bang three hour epic. HellBoy 3: Shogun or something. Y’know?

  7. as long as they dont show the hellboy babies and they get rid of liz im fine. i love both hellboys but liz was fucking anoying as shit…

    first superman has a babie and now hellboy? y cant they wear condoms? or bathroom curtains in hellboys case?

    and idk why the FUCK did they not have the odru hem and jahad come out when hellboy uses his hand as the key in the first movie?????

    i wanna see helboy fight some fucking ogdru jahad…dragons trying to destroy the planet is like the max…theyre like seven dragon dudes that just fuck shit up and they spawn a bunch (like 300) bad guys called the odru hem

    and i have no clue why they went on and did hellboy 2 on prince nauda and the elves when i was 100% sure it would be about the dragons (since they come out when helboy uses his hand as the right hand of doom which is what he does in the end of the first one)

  8. 2017 is a long wait for a sequel to a Hellboy movie. I think the audience would care anymore at that point. Not sure that a TV Show is such a good idea, how could they scale down the special effects and set pieces for that to work.

  9. I like hellboy a lot, enough to ignore myhatred of Hellboy 2 and go watch a third one, but I obviously dont think Del toro should do it cause waiting until 2017 for this would be a mistake.

    Also, I think ron perlman is in a new series ‘sons of anarchy’ coming out on FX.

  10. I really hope they make Hellboy 3 but I dont really see it happening. The movies are not box office hits compared to how much they spend on making them unless offcourse they sell a boat load of dvds which they probably did because thats they only way the 2nd movie was porbably made.

  11. my son and i really enjoy the hellboy movies. the first hellboy was awesome, the second i wasn’t to impressed with. my son loves wink. anyways i’m sure del toro will be able to squeeze hb3 in before ’17.

  12. He has to make a third. That scene with the angel of death where Liz has to choose between the Earth’s survival and Hellboy’s life because he is destined to cause the end of the world practically said ‘Hellboy 3 – coming soon’ in big neon letters.

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