Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince To Feature Sex And Drug Parallels

Danny Rad has compared the upcoming Harry Potter film to Trainspotting in a recent interview with Empire Magazine! We get the scoop from the following commentary graciously provided to us from our friends at cinematical:

I didn’t get beyond the fifth Harry Potter novel, so I’m not familiar with what goes on in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. I never would have thought, however, that it features an adorable version of Voldemort (which reminded our own Kim Voynar of the young Anakin of The Phantom Menace), nor would I have ever imagined, in my wildest years, that it is anything like Trainspotting. Yet that’s what Daniel “Harry Potter” Radcliffe told Empire regarding the upcoming movie adaptation. He specifically likened Half-Blood Prince to the heroin-heavy movie, admitting that it is indeed strange to mention those two films in the same sentence. He also stated that in his movie, “there’s a fair amount of sexual energy and drug parallels.”

Having drug and sex parallels in the movie is AOK with me. Kids are dealing with these sorts of things at Harry’s age and I think that it’ s appropriate to deal with these issues and bring them to light. I am guessing that people will be getting high on dark magic or mystical mushrooms, but whatever the poison – it will analogous to real life temptation and drug use.

Hearing Radcliife compare this film to Trainspotting seems a little excessive, and has me wondering how crazy this film will get. Do the kids get their familiars to steal potion ingredients so they can rock the magic bong? Will Harry leave money for Hormine at the bus station? I haven’t read the books so I have no idea what they may be talking about, but the dark turn and increasingly serious subject matter certainly has piqued my interest.

***The above picture is from the book Harry Pot Head and the Marijuana Stone. The artist is The Root Of All Evil. ***

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