Eddie Talks Beverly Hills Cop 4

It looks like Murphy is planning to forget the third Beverly Hills Cop ever happened and hopes to end the series on a high note. We get the news from the man himself thanks to the following interview with MTV:

“All I know is that it’s gonna be something that’s special. I’m not doing just, hey give me some big check and I go off [does the Foley laugh] and shoot the gun and jump over cars,” Murphy told MTV News. “Like, that’s some bullsh-t. If I do it, it’s gonna be some sh-t that’s right!”

“I’ve been in a bunch of different meetings with people, ‘Oh, we have to take Axel this way.” I ain’t seen no script yet [but] I’m not rolling out ‘Beverly Hills Cop 4’ for it to be a continuation of ‘Beverly Hills Cop III,’ which was a crock of sh-t,” Murphy said. “I wanna do a good one!”

Well I think that this is the best thing that Murphy could have said. His admission that the third film was a “crock of shit” is the kind of honesty that I appreciate and it pleases me that he genuinely seems interested in finishing the franchise off right. After a string of horrible films it’s no surprise to me that Murphy wants to end on a high note. Yesterday we heard that he has plans to retire and if they can pull this one off – it may be a fitting last hurrah.

I am more excited about Murphy’s career post BHC4, as we learned yesterday the man may return to stand up and that is something that I would be very excited to see.

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