The popularity of Dragonball Z a couple of years ago was pretty impressive amongst the virgin geek demographic… and that’s not a bad thing… some of my best friends were just plain old addicted to the damn show. Personally I never really saw the appeal to it… but one can’t deny that it certain had a following. But was that following big enough to constitute a major motion picture?
The guys over at Worstpreviews are reporting that 20th Century Fox is getting ready to develop a $100 million dollar project to bring a Dragonball Z movie to the big screen. No, I’m not kidding. Here’s what they had to say:
20th Century Fox is planning to bring the graphic novel/popular television show “Dragonball Z” to the big screen. Apparently the goal is to begin filming next year in Montreal, with the studio already budgeting over $100 million for the pic. “Dragonball Z” was originally created by Akira Toriyama as a Japanese graphic novel known as manga. His work was eventually turned into a Japanese anime series that went on to be picked up all over the world. The story revolves around an alien sent to destroy Earth, but has a change of heart and decides to join the humans in their fight against various aliens and bad guys.
A live action Dragonball Z movie? I’m no Dragonball Z expert, but the basic idea of the show is an interesting one… but really the show itself was extremely shallow as far as depth goes… the show was more about showing amazing animation techniques with epic fights and battles… it was pretty good at doing that too.
Also, I just don’t see there being NEARLY enough Dragonball Z fans out there that could support a film like this… especially at that kind of a budget. Maybe my perception of the situation is way off… but I just don’t see it. Time will tell. We’ll have to wait and see if a more official word comes out about this or not.