Jessica Alba talks movies

JessicaAlba.jpgI was just skimming through this article, but two things stood out for me, the first that Jessica Alba is involved in a remake of a Korean movie (according to Asian Movie News that may well be My Sassy Girl the remake of Yeopgijeogin geunyeo) but also this comment about the Fantastic Four movie:

“Any negative buzz anybody had, they knew nothing about the comic book,” she insisted. “They were comparing it to Batman. It’s not dark. It’s a fun, family comic book. That’s the charm of it. It doesn’t take itself seriously, and it’s a little campy. That’s why kids and parents can read it and everyone can get something from it. I know most of the reviews wanted it to be another movie. They didn’t understand why the ‘Fantastic Four’ was successful, and they certainly didn’t know anything about the comic books.”

I think that’s a really strong defence of the movie, it still won’t explain away some of the poorer moments, but for the whole movie I tend to think it’s a pretty good statement. Of couse Coming Soon said they did disagree, but they didn’t say anything because of the “spell” she had on them…sure. Just too scared to piss off a major star and lose the interview!

She went on to talk about her new movie, Awake:

“It’s character-driven. I don’t have to wear a bathing suit or chaps or a superhero outfit. I don’t have to do any fighting.” [Awww!] … “It’s about anasthetic awareness, which is what happens when you go under for surgery, and they don’t give you enough for your body weight. It’s literally like a drop or two too little that makes this thing happen, and basically, your body is awake, like it should be, but your mind is awake. So you hear and you can feel the entire surgery, and you can’t say anything. You can’t talk, you can’t move, you can’t cry. You just have to suffer through it until it wears off, and it happens to people…”

Interesting premise, she also talks about other future projects:

“There are two action movies I’m attached to as a producer, and they’ve been in development for a year. One’s called ‘Sonic’ and the other’s called ‘Beautiful Killer,’ (also based on a comic book) and I would do one or the other if they ever got made. Then there’s a romantic comedy that I’m attached to, an adaptation of a Korean movie that’s in development, and then I’m developing a video game, which is a non-violent video game that can relate to people all over the world. There are seven or eight characters that you can customize. They’re from different countries with different music and clothing styles. It’s kind of a lifestyle video game and it’s really cool, but it’s still in prototype mode.”

Developing a video game? This woman is only 24 and she’s branching out wildly. Baby clothing, games, movies (and big ones at that), what next?

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