Infernal Affairs now called The Departed

infernalaffairs4.jpgOh man… why must people mess with something that is already amazing!?!? Infernal Affairs is one of the best cop dramas I’ve seen in a long long time. And no, it’s NOT a Kung-Fu flick even though it’s Chinese. I got so pumped a few months back when we posted that Martin Scorsese was going to be helming a North American version of the film. I got even more pumped when I heard that the two leads would be Matt Damon and Leo Dicaprio. But after I saw it again recently, I’ve started to wonder.

The original is sooooo good. And it’s not like it’s old. Why re-make it? Just release the original in theaters here. Films like Hero, Life is Beautiful and Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon have proved you have have box office success with a foreign sub-titled film if it’s high quality. Then came the fears that they would mess with the story… and it seems my fears were well founded – They’ve already changed the title to “The Departed”. Ummm… why? What else are they going to mess with? I’m worried folks. To quote Han Solo (and Curt Boldt) “I’ve got a bad feeling about this”.

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