Star Wars Still Top Trilogy At The Box Office

I’m a sucker for quirky little facts and figures (probably because I’m a sports fan). So when I came across this little chart at Box Office Mojo I was instantly interested. Wheeeeeeee!!!! Star Wars is still #1 all time at the box office with Lord of the Rings right on it’s tail. Some of the more surprising entries on this list are Back to the Future only being ranked #11 while the pathetic Home Alone is ranked 3 places higher at #8. Another one is Crocodile Dundee at #21 being ahead of Superman at #22. The Godfather only at #28!?!?! And for all you Star Trek Fans out there, The Karate Kid is ahead of you at #29. Anyway, here’s an abbreviated look at the list of all time trilogy box office leaders. For the full list go here.

1) Star Wars 4-6 $1,060,779,251
2) The Lord of the Rings $1,033,551,625
3) Harry Potter $828,439,167
4) Jurassic Park $767,326,501
5) Indiana Jones $619,416,531
6) Batman $598,051,734
7) The Matrix $592,327,301
8) Home Alone $490,229,274
9) Austin Powers $473,231,964
10) Beverly Hills Cop $431,040,426
11) Back to the Future $416,787,347
12) Terminator $393,585,657
13) Hannibal Lecter $388,985,088
14) Jaws $387,283,062
15) Lethal Weapon $357,192,640
16) American Pie $352,229,713
17) Scary Movie $338,331,985
18) Jack Ryan $327,551,947
19) Rocky $327,466,432
20) Spy Kids $310,327,412
21) Crocodile Dundee $309,745,398
22) Superman $302,354,347
23) Die Hard $300,562,298
24) Scream $293,553,139
25) The Exorcist $289,518,977
26) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles $256,196,337
27) Rambo $251,343,947
28) The Godfather $249,175,314
29) The Karate Kid
30) Star Trek $237,642,465

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