Police Academy 8 Is In The Works

Mahoney1Am9Ladies, Gentlemen, Police Academy 8 is on deck suited up in full Guttenberg glory; ready for action! We get this glorious news thanks to Pete over at slashfilm:

Steve Guttenberg told The Sun over the weekend that a screenplay is being written for an eighth Police Academy movie with all the available original stars set to return.

“So far it is really great, everyone from the original movies who is still around will return,” says” Guttenberg. “I know Kim and Sharon have been asked but they haven’t said yes yet. It would be really great to have them onboard.”

Remember when I said I hate needless sequels, this is an exception to the rule. I love the first 3 Police Academy films. (I will watch all of them but the first three are very enjoyable.) The series went to shit after the Guttenberg left, so I think it appropriate to have hope now that Mahoney has returned.

I am more than pleased that the original cast is getting back together, but a massive absence will haunt this latest incarnation. In 2001 David Graf passed on and is no longer able to play Sgt. Eugene Tackleberry. Tackleberry was impulse and made for great comedic moments; his contributions will be greatly missed. I personally think the film should start at the funeral of Tackleberry to get this out of the way and celebrate the character one last time. A death in the line of service would fit the character perfectly and this character deserves an on screen funeral. Tackleberry may act before he thinks, but he isn’t a coward; the man has the blood of a hero and should have a warrior’s send off.

I hope Bobcat is back for this one as well. Shit. I am getting way too pumped for this film. Happy Thanksgiving Mr. Gutenberg, you made my day.

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