Movie Reviews

Unwelcome Review

Unwelcome tells the chilling story after newly pregnant Maya and Jamie endure a terrifying home invasion in their city apartment, they move to a quaint house in Ireland which was left to Jamie by his late great aunt Maeve. While getting settled, they learn that Aunt Maeve has been leaving food out every night to appease little creatures that live in the woods just behind her garden. Maya and Jamie soon discover the consequences of not feeding the goblins. ‘Unwelcome’ is an Irish horror movie that hits all the marks. It was a blast!


The movie reminded me of an old-school, 80’s creature feature. I would describe it as a creepy fairy tale. The little people, or “far darrig”, looked like that breath-stealing troll from 1985’s ‘Cat’s Eye’. This movie had great special effects and good gory moments. The acting was also on point. The goblins were actually full-sized actors in costumes. The sets where their scenes were shot were double-sized to make it look like they were smaller. There was a lot going on but the whole story blended in well. While dealing with the “redcaps”, Maya and Jaime also have a company comprised of a father and his three children at their home completing some renovations and this family ends up being more dangerous for the young couple.


There were some moments where the story was dragging a little bit and I thought the ending was strange but that’s about it.


This type of movie is not for everyone. It had a wacky premise, but it worked and was a fun watch. Try and go into it with an open mind. I think true horror fans will get a kick out of this movie and find it a breath of fresh air in this hit-or-miss genre. ‘Unwelcome’ is currently streaming on Shudder.

  • Acting - 8.5/10
  • Cinematography/Visual Effects - 8/10
  • Plot/Screenplay - 8/10
  • Setting/Theme - 8/10
  • Watchability - 7.5/10
  • Rewatchability - 7.5/10
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