Star Wars Collection on BluRay

I love Star Wars, and I own every film and various extended products, but not all the different releases. Releasing multiple versions of films was taken to such an artform that it is now a slang verb from the name of George Lucas.

Lucas – [loo-kuhs]
–verb (used with object)
1. to produce again.
2. Law. to make over property that fans think “belongs to them”
3. to translate property to new media format ignoring past release versions
4. to wait until you finally break down and buy the last release thinking it was the final collection, and bring out a new version
– synonym
5. to JarJar
6. Flannel Papa Smurf

Cinematical shares from the C2E2 announcement:

“We have been at work for a couple of years working on — I won’t call it the Ultimate Set because we keep finding stuff — but, a very full set of all six movies on Blu-ray with lots of extra material. We’re finding all kinds of scenes from dailies that have never been seen before. Beyond all of those things that you know about… there are some real treasures.”

They wont call it the Ultimate set, because there is bound to be another release after Star Wars gets the 3D treatment, is reintroduced to limited theatrical runs in 3D and then ultimately be released in an ULTIMATE SUPER DUPER SPECIAL EDITION in which Greedo and Han shoot simultaneously, MISS and then hug it out before parting ways.

No word on the official release date, but I suspect that “not to distant future” probably means this will be a Christmas release.

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16 thoughts on “Star Wars Collection on BluRay

  1. I didn’t like the whole Jabba song and dance sequence, that was lame but the newer ones weren’t terrible by any means(got the letter box VHS as well)

    3-D would be a hit of course

  2. “Greedo and Han shoot simultaneously, MISS and then hug it out before parting ways.”

    Very funny! I nearly spit my beer out on my keyboard. Well done Rodney!

  3. Hdpunk says: “also, the theatrical editions were released on dvd. they were on the single 2 disc dvds for the original trilogy a few years back.”

    Re: the above comment… Why do people keep using this as a valid argument? Everyone knows that the release in question was just a “bonus” of unacceptable quality. They were non-anamorphic laserdisk dumps; we were offered a product on DVD that wasn’t nearly up to DVD standards – never mind HD quality. No wonder fans weren’t excited about something that would look iffy on their standard tube TV and simply horrendous on that new HDTV they would be buying in the near future.

    If we, as fans of the trilogy as it was originally, are supposed to be happy with that product would you be happy if (in some alternate reality) Lucas said he was only going to release the theatrical versions on Bluray? I guess since you have the CG SEs on DVD that would be okay???

  4. I’m not interested in the dumb ass prequels. I only want the original trilogy but I guess George Lucas will make EVERYBODY pay the extra buck to get hold of the original films on Blu-Ray.

    As for the LOTR Blu-ray release. Personally I think the theatrical releases are way superior to the extended versions so I will buy the new Blu-ray set and keep my old extended versions on regular DVD, mostly for the extra features.

  5. Well, i guess we all were children when we became members of the Rebel alliance or the Empire, now we all have te money to buy even Star Wars Q´tips if we want (an keep´em on the original pack of course), but, there´s no reason to keep 6 different editions of each movie or even discuss them, lets´s face it, we are all adults now, and we can choose to buy forever and ever… or not.

    After all, what´s new ?… Luke´s love interest on Alderaan ???, extended chat with Biggs ? Obi Wan remember there´s another one… not just Luke? Amidala still alive with the Gungans? Mara Jade cameo?, Chewie is a female wookie?, let´s move on, George Lucas is a giant and hunger monster, he ate our anger and joy for decades, and the funny twist in all this, is that he is no longer thinking in US,the original fans from the 70´s or 80´s… not anymore…
    he now eats new fans… childrens… our childrens… creepy, isn´t ??? (no offense Cartoon Network)

  6. If they are not the original films un-fucked with by Lucas I will not be buying. I think his first Blu-Ray release should be the original theatrical cuts. NO special editions!

    1. I dont understand all the rage over the special editions. Aside from the whole Han Shot First debacle, I would say the improved effects and sound are an asset to the franchise.

      1. Ok.. but look at Lord of The Rings. That just came out on Blu Ray. They are the original theatrical cuts. The Star Trek movies came out on Blu Ray they are the original theatrical cuts. Why can’t fans of the original Star Wars trilogy get the best possible quality for the original theatrical cuts? After that Lucas can special edition Star Wars till he dies. I just want to see Blu Ray quality for the films I grew up on. As for the special editions it isn’t just Han not shooting first. Lucas digitally replaced Prowse’s head with Hayden Christensen at the end of Jedi. Changed dialog during Empire Strikes Back and made countless little adjustments that didn’t need to be done. I’m not even saying I don’t like the special editions but I love the orignals!

      2. If anything, the lack of an original cut is making my letterbox VHS box set even MORE valuable.

        I agree that there should be an “original cut” special feature on the Blu collection, maybe a digital download or something. Anything to add value for the fans.

        But this is Lucas’ product, and the REASON for the special editions was to change some of the things he didnt like about his most notable creation ever.

        And the Lord of the Rings theatrical editions are getting SLAMMED online by critics for releasing this and the extended cuts later this year. Even though both will be available, the fans are just RAGING over this.

        You cant win no matter what you do.

      3. i agree, the only thing i dont like about the special editions is the whole han & greedo thing. i dont care if han would or wouldn’t shoot first, but the special effects lucas used to change it just look terrible & take me out of the film every time.

        also, the theatrical editions were released on dvd. they were on the single 2 disc dvds for the original trilogy a few years back.

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