Bond 23 is Delayed Indefinitely

Today we learn a very important lesson. MGM studios are now learning that their Scrooge McDuck swimming pools of money are empty and there is a direct connection between that and the ability to make movies.

Screen Junkies shares the public statement:

Due to the continuing uncertainty surrounding the future of MGM and the failure to close a sale of the studio, we have suspended development on ‘Bond 23′ indefinitely. We do not know when development will resume and do not have a date for the release of ‘Bond 23.’

I am really surprised that someone with deep pockets hasn’t picked up this studio yet. Maybe they will just have to piecemeal sell off the properties themselves.

Would be sad to see MGM not roar any more, but honestly these properties they have the rights for will not die with them.

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17 thoughts on “Bond 23 is Delayed Indefinitely

  1. How bout bringing back Sheila Easton? (ha-ha)

    Wont buy Ga-Ga’s albums anytime soon but to deny her chops is kinda silly.

    same could be said about any or all these so-called “Pop Stars” today.

    startin’ with the “Black eyed Peas” all the way to “Kanye West”

    Different Strokes.

    I like my music performers to actually know how to play their instruments….and GaGa does that at least

    1. plase say it aint so. What a blemish that would be on a Bond movie. The Casino Royale opener was fantastic. Quantum of Solace paled a bit but wasn’t too bad.

    2. The only reason you want to see a film is to hear a 3 minute opening? An opening performed by a idiot who only became popular because she dresses and acts like an retard.

      Seriously. If she never started wearing outlandish costumes on and off stage. No one would of even noticed her. The fact that people actually buy into it is astounding. Don’t believe me? Just do a quick search for Stefani Germanotta on Youtube.

      1. I agree that wanting to see a movie over a single song included on the soundtrack is extreme, but honestly your assessment over Lady Gaga’s popularity is just shallow.

        She is a very talented performer. Her music is catchy and dancey. Unlike other instant popstars, Gaga has been around for a LONG time. She has climbed that ladder through hard work and talent before seeing the success she has today.

        Her “fashion” is gimmicky, and I don’t particularly find her to be an attractive girl. I agree that most of her physical appeal is the outlandish outfits. But she is far more than her crazy outfits. She can sing very well, writes all her own stuff, even does her own choreography. Everything she does is her own work.

        You dont have to like her stuff, and no one is saying you have to be a fan. But to suggest that she is an idiot or only popular for her outfits is just the hateful words of someone who just doesn’t like her music.

        I don’t find the Rolling Stones to be all that special either, but I wont deny them their popularity or make baseless accusations that one small aspect of their careers have carried them this far.

      2. I never said that I would see the film, just that the only thing that could get me interested in James Bond again in Gaga. The Bond franchise has become one of the most boring franchise ever, the only part I find entertaining is the opening credits. The films themselves are pretty much just all the same. I seriously can’t remember the last time I watched one of the all the way through while still awake.

      3. Rodney, There is nothing special about her music. Ever since she went pop star. She sounds the same as Britney Spears or Christina Aquilera. There nothing new or different that she does other then what she wears. I guess the only difference is she writes her own songs.

        Lady Gaga has not been around for along time. Stefani Germanotta started young but she only became famous as Lady Gaga not even 2 years ago. You can’t deny the fact that if she didn’t wear such crazy clothes that he music would not be enough to get her as famous as she is today.

        I agree calling her an idiot was a bit much. It was late and I must not have filled my hate quota for the day. But it doesn’t change my opinion on her. I really hate how people buy into Gimmicks and call it the best thing ever.

      4. Honestly, I dont give a shit who sings the opening song to the movie I just want it to get back on track so it can come out. To say that the Bond franchise is boring is a bit of an over statement. Of course youre entitled to your opinion but I wouldn’t call it boring. There have been several Bond film that weren’t successful all of which I’ll attribute you to Roger Moore (except for The Man With the Golden Gun). Im a huge Connery fan. Daniel Craig may not fit the traditional profile of Bond, but his version is definitely the most bad ass and reignited a spark in the franchise. But saying you just see the movie just to hear the song doesnt make sense to me. Just download it when its released.

        As for Lady Gaga, she probably will be doing the opening song. She’s the biggest pop star in the US and world right now, who I will say, makes catchy songs which are very original. On a separate note Rodney, she is actually somewhat good looking under all that shit she wears. I read an article in New York magazine about her rise to fame and it shows different pics from a few years ago and she looked normal and rather pretty. She has a nice ass too. You can get a great shot from that new video with Beyonce (caught it at the gym…by the way I listen to METAL so my manhood cannot be challenged).

      5. @”But saying you just see the movie just to hear the song doesnt make sense to me.”

        Again, I never said I want to watch the film, just that the only part that I actually find entertaining now is the opening credits. Of course, I’m not gonna see the film for something I can just watch on youtube. But like I said the films to me have become boring, and there’s nothing else to them except the opening credits.

    3. Well that rumour is obviously tabloid nonsense. Before every Bond film these outlandish rumours start, they are so obvious, and the performer of the theme song is one of the absolute last decisions made. So yeah, it isnt so tzaylor

  2. Me too. I hope it doesn’t go that way. I heard that the new Bond was going to be in 3D. If thats the case there’s no need for that. Bond movies dont have super special effects. It was went on the basis of pure live action with very little CGI. I’m so damn tired of the 3D craze that has taken over Hollywood.

    1. for the 3d thing is most likely bs for them making a sequel for them to make this film would be a grate start to bailing them selves out bond is the most successful franchise worldwide.

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