Meryl “The Streep” Streep Set To Star In Dewey

Meryl StreepWe learn today that the Streep is set to play a librarian in the upcoming cat movie adaptation of Dewey: The Small-Town Library Cat Who Touched the World. We get the following scoop this morning thanks to the good people over at Variety:

Meryl Streep is purring over “Dewey,” a fact-based film about a stray cat’s impact on the town of Spencer, Iowa. The project has landed at New Line Cinema. Streep is attached to star in the adaptation of the Vicki Myron book “Dewey: The Small-Town Library Cat Who Touched the World.” Pamela Gray will pen the script.

Streep intends to play the author, who works at the library and observed the impact that a kitten had on the townsfolk once it became the library mascot after wandering in through the after-hours book return slot on a cold night.Temple Hill Entertainment partners Marty Bowen and Wyck Godfrey are setting the film at New Line, where the duo have a first-look deal. Several other studios were bidding.

I believe in the power of the Streep. She’s a wise falcon lady from the land of palms. Sometimes I pray to her at night for insight into my spiritual life. Streep. Streep! It feels good to say it; Streep.

As much as I love cats, I’m not that keen on cat movies. Seldom are they able to capture true cat magic in a bottle. Cat fanciers are still anxiously awaiting a film they can celebrate as dog fanciers do Old Yeller.

I want to see a film about 100 cats trained by the UN to track down terrorists in the caves of Afghanistan. When our hero Scruffles stumbles upon the slumber lair of Bin Laden, shit gets serious as he sneaks into the cave, bites the slumbering Osama’s neck and drains him of all blood with his thirsty cat mouth.

I am not certain if cats fight Terrorists in Dewey, but the Streep is reason enough to see it. She is an outstanding actress that I always welcome, and with luck this film will be a celebration of cats as championed by Streep.

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2 thoughts on “Meryl “The Streep” Streep Set To Star In Dewey

  1. “became the library mascot after wandering in through the after-hours book return slot on a cold night.”

    “after wandering in”?! wtf?! Those things are mounted 3 feet off the ground, it’s kind of hard to “wander into” one. The kitten was dumped in there by some heartless bastard, let’s not rewrite history to pretty things up.

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