Bloom Returns To The Theatre

It looks like Orlando Bloom will be taking a sabbatical after Pirates 3 and return to the theater for thespian delights! We get the news from the caves of Yahoo:

Orlando Bloom plans to hang up his sword after spending nearly a decade making the blockbuster trilogies “Pirates of the Caribbean” and “The Lord of the Rings” to tread the boards of a London theater this summer. Bloom, 30, begins rehearsals in June for “Celebration” by British playwright David Storey. The play will open in July.

“I just need to do this,” Bloom said in an interview last week. “I wanted to feel like going back to basics in a sense and having just a completely different experience.”

Bloom had intended to go onto the stage after graduating from the Guildhall School of Music and Drama in Britain, but instead ended up on the big screen in a series of blockbuster sword-and-sandal films, starting with “The Lord of the Rings” trilogy, which began production in 1999.

We have said for some time that Bloom should hit the bricks and get back to the basics… we are glad he has been listening. He was good in Lord Of The Rings but it is safe to say that most have not been thrilled with his other performances. The good news is that he should have enough money to retire if he likes.

Bloom however is not ready to throw in the towel and I respect and admire his desire to go back to the farm leagues and slug it out on stage. It shows a desire to learn, to progress and return to the womb of his love that is acting. If he has enough cash in his coffers he may do well to stay in the theater and leave the movie shows to other up and comers looking to make their break on celluloid.

This is the best move for him at the present. Retire or continue in film, the theater will do him well in either case. The theater is the factory in which the strongest acting is forged.

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