X-Men 3 Dark Phoenix Pics

Dark Phoenix PicsThe French site DVDRAMA has posted up some sweet Dark Phoenix pics from the upcoming X-Men 3 film. Man does she look NASTY and ready to kick some serious heads in.

Most of you will remember that little fire in Jean Grey’s eyes in X-Men 2, and silhouette of the Phoenix flying over her watery grave at the end of the film… well… all this was foreshadowing what comic geeks knew to be the introduction of Dark Phoenix. A good starter for understanding who and what The Phoenix is can be found here, but for starters here’s an excerpt from the page:

The Phoenix Entity is an ancient, ageless cosmic force of life. It came to Earth in X-Men 100, when Jean was prepared to sacrifice her life to save her team mates and friends. They were on a space shuttle spiralling helplessly back into the Earth’s atmosphere. The only person on board who could pilot the shuttle was a human astronaut, who couldn’t possibly survive the heat and radiation of re-entry long enough to guide the craft to a successful landing. Only Jean, who could get the knowledge from the pilot’s mind telepathically, and protect herself from the heat and radiation with her telekinesis stood a chance. It was enough to get the ship and the occupants back safely, but Jean’s powers weren’t enough to save herself. At the moment before her death, the Phoenix Enitity entered her body, made an exact replica of it, and placed the original Jean in a protective cocoon at the bottom of the ocean. The Phoenix copied Jean so well, that it didn’t even realize what it had done, and truly believed itself to be Jean, taking her place in the X-Men

So Jean actually died at the lake and not in space… it’ll be interesting to see what they do from here with the original story. Is this just a Phoenix copy of Jean Grey… or is it actually Jean Grey gone looney? I can’t wait to find out. Man… seeing her standing there with Eric (Magneto) just makes me think “Holy SH$T… They’re ALL SCREWED!”

You can see the bigger and better versions of these pics here.

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