Fantastic Four Reviews

Fantastic Four reviews are coming in hot an heavy… and OH MY GOODNESS is the movie getting slammed! No really folks… I haven’t seen initial negative reviews like this since the car wreck known as Electra.

I think we all thought this movie was going to suck big time right from the begining, but the trailers have slowly been winning me over to the point that I actually thought I may enjoy it. Well… there are a lot of film critics out there who are suggesting I won’t like it one bit (I’m going to see it later today).

Well get ready, because here’s what a few of the pundits are saying about Fantastic Four:

“Compared with the psychological probing and spiritual brooding of Batman Begins, Fantastic Four is proudly dumb, loud and inconsequential.”

“Sad, then, to see that the Marvel rag that elevated the human element in the pow-biff-bam of the superhero world has been transposed into the most plastic of comic-to-movie adaptations yet.”
Jan Stuart, NEWSDAY

“If you want to see how members of a family that’s fraught with discord and dysfunction learn about teamwork and the nature of kin — and dispatch bad guys in the process — rent The Incredibles.”

“The really good superhero movies, like Superman, SpiderMan 2 and Batman Begins, leave Fantastic Four so far behind that the movie should almost be ashamed to show itself in the same theaters.”

“Falls below even the likes of Batman & Robin and The Punisher and all involved should be ashamed of actually inviting comparisons to the shelved Roger Corman adaptation.”

Ouch ouch ouch. Yeah I was expecting some negative reviews… but even I wasn’t expecting them to be THIS negative. If you want to read even more slamming, you can wander over here. Look for my personal review later tonight.

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