Lost In Translation Whisper Revealed

Spoiler City! Spoiler City! For those of you that have always wondered what Bill Murray said to Scarlett Johannson in the final scene of Lost In Translation, I have good news for you. It appears a studious sound-smith has used modern gadgetry and science to divulge the whispered words between the two friends. We come across this video thanks to our friends at /film.

I watched the video myself, and wish I hadn’t, but curiosity got the best of me. What is said in the video has no drastic change on my interpretation of the film, I was hoping for something that was gibberish. Because the whisper was planned to be inaudible I would of liked to hear Bill Murray talk nonsense about ham sandwiches or the majesty of the Queen Mum.

I do not want to talk about what was spoken in the post, but feel free to discuss the secret message in the comments section. Those of you that want to keep the whisper a secret – move along.

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