Movie News Chat

‘Blair Witch’ Coming To Blu-ray and DVD

The follow up to the Blair Witch Project is coming to DVD. The film follows a group of friends that head to Black Hills Forest in an attempt to uncover the mystery of the disappearance of a girl that may be liked to the Blair Witch legend. I didn’t get to see the movie when it came out in theaters, but I’m curious to see how it compares tot he Blair Witch Project. I should get my answer on January 3, 2017, when Blair Witch comes to Blu-ray Combo Pack, DVD, Digital HD and On Demand.


  • Audio Commentary with Director Adam Wingard and Writer Simon Barrett
  • Never Ending Night: The Making of Blair Witch (6-Part Documentary)
  1. “Primal Fear: Story Origins”
  2. “Ambiguous Loss: The Cast”
  3. “P.O.V.: On Location”
  4. “Trapped in the Time Loop: Editing”
  5. “Distorted Reality: Music and Sound Design”
  6. “The Reveal”
  • “House of Horrors: Exploring the Set” Featurette


  • Audio Commentary with Director Adam Wingard and Writer Simon Barrett
  • “House of Horrors: Exploring the Set” Featurette
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