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Great News: Jonah Hill Says 21 Jump Street & Men in Black Crossover Unlikely

While I am not the type to be all happy about any films failed idea, the idea of a 21 Jump StreetMen in Black crossover is one that I certainly can do without.

Jonah Hill originally pitched an idea for a film titled MIB 23 cross overing the Men in Black and 21 Jump Street universes. While Jonah Hill is definitely a funny character, I don’t know think that id want to see him in a Men in Black & 21 Jump Street crossover.

Sure any movie idea, can have success and I could be completely wrong about not wanting this movie to be made, but Jonah Hill saying MIB 23 is unlikely is not something I am upset about.

Jonah Hill seems to agree with me partially as he discusses how making a MIB 23 could actually falter on the franchises original comedy.


Jonah Hill states via the Toronto Sun,

“I had the idea, but I doubt that movie will get made. … It’s too complicated. They’re trying to make all the deals, but it’s kind of impossible with all the Men in Black stuff. The Jump Street films were so fun to make and the whole joke of them was they were making fun of remakes and sequels and reboots and then now it’s become a giant sequel, reboot. It’s almost become what we were making fun of and it’s hard to maintain that joke when it’s so high stakes.”

So what do you think, would you go see a 21 Jump Street & Men in Black crossover ? Or would they be better off with just another 23 Jump Street?

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