
Legend Official Teaser Trailer

Look, I’m going to keep this short and simple. Tom Hardy, playing two British Mobsters (yes, that’s with an “s”) during the 1950’s with Brian Helgeland as the director. As a great man once said, “Shut up and take my money!!!” In one minute and thirty five seconds, you can tell this is going to be an awesome movie. Truthfully, I don’t even know who else is casted, but who cares. One thing, I do have to say is that I hope they don’t release the film on September 11 as the U.K. is planning to do. It has been fourteen years since that horrific day, but I honestly do think it would hurt the film, if they decide to go that route. Cross your fingers, so that the release date is pushed back by a week or so. This movie deserves all the recognition that is to come.


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