Hugh Jackman suited up for ‘The Wolverine’


Notice how the title references Hugh Jackman suited up rather than Wolverine…that was intentional. Hugh Jackman may feel the need to wear formal attire at any given moment but Wolverine is either wearing a leather jacket, his costume, or clothing ripped to shreds. So please take a look below at the latest pictures of HUGH JACKMAN (not Wolverine) in a suit for “The Wolverine” which releases this Summer.

Two new images from The Wolverine have appeared in this month’s issue of Empire and one of them features Hugh Jackman in a different kind of suit for the film.
Based on the celebrated comic book arc, The Wolverine finds Logan, the eternal warrior and outsider, in Japan. There, samurai steel will clash with adamantium claw as Logan confronts a mysterious figure from his past in an epic battle that will leave him forever changed.

Via: ComingSoon

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