JJ Abrams to release Trailer to Mysterious Film before Iron Man 2

Seems that JJ Abrams is hoping to surprise audiences headed to see Iron Man 2 this weekend with a teaser trailer for his next film. And much like Cloverfield, this will be coming out of no where, and no one knows what type of film it will be or what it is about. We are told just a title is released and a hint at the type of movie.

/Film says:

Pretty much recreating the surprise of when Cloverfield burst from the shadows with a mysterious trailer before Transformers, it looks as though a new secret project from JJ Abrams is going to be officially unveiled this Thursday, when Iron Man 2 takes its first bow at midnight screenings.

Could this mimic marketing be for the much rumoured Cloverfield 2? Or maybe a whole new film?

The advanced screening I attended didn’t even have trailers, so I am just in the dark as you are.

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12 thoughts on “JJ Abrams to release Trailer to Mysterious Film before Iron Man 2

  1. It is called Super 8 – or so the rumor has it – Can you find any inside info on this – I hear its a prequal to Cloverfield – just rumor – some shot with an 8 MM camera – get it – Super 8

  2. its called super 8

    Its about a bunch of kids in the 70s who are making a bulshit movie with a super 8 camera

    in the middle of their bullshit movie they film an alien accidently

    and its like “OMG, WTF!”

    And then…yah

    its a cloverfield prequel.

  3. I know what it is
    I know what it is
    I know what it is.

    It will be a teaser for MISSION IMPOSSIBLE 4.
    (JJ Abrams/Bad Robot is co-producing)

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