Street Fighter Legacy Trailer Online

Street Fighter just never seems to get a break when it comes to the big screen. The hokey VanDamme version falls into the “so bad it’s good” category. Then the latest embarassment to hit the big screen. Focusing on the secondary character of Chun Li wasn’t a bad idea, but everything else they did was.

But independent filmmaker and martial arts actor (Bourne Ultimatum) has made the effort to put out a short film online that captures his vision for what these films could have been.

As an actor, film maker and a fan, I have been repeatedly disappointed by the many diluted, un faithful and outright butchered movie adaptations of fighting video games. It was clear to me, that given the way the movie industry worked, we would never see a super faithful, darker toned and more adult themed (or just plain good!) incarnation of Street fighter unless a die-hard fan director or film-making team with the game canon knowledge, film making know how and connections stepped up to the plate to helm such a project.
So almost a year ago, I began writing treatments and a production design brief and partnered with Streetlight films before proposing my concept and vision to Capcom. I’m pleased to say they gave their blessing and permission for the project to move forward.

Check out the teaser trailer

And he has the nod of approval to create these films right from Capcom, and that much at least makes the film a small step above “fan film”. Imagine if this effort got a feature film made in this style?

I hope the whole short film looks this good.

The short feature will be online this thursday at Ansah’s website


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25 thoughts on “Street Fighter Legacy Trailer Online

  1. Capcom must have confidence in the project. Hell, this cannot be any worse than the two theatrical failures in this franchise. I’m actually excited to see this. Both trailers give off positive vibes from the source material. The two 30 second trailers I have seen are already better than the live action films! Maybe this short film will be good enough for Joey Ansah to get the nod for a feature length theatrical release?

  2. Cant wait, the idea itself is great and the fact they go out and do justice to it, is awesome, good work guys.

    peace from sydney australiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    oh how i loved those days back in the past, walking into to my local video store, tossing in a few coins and whipping the ass of every asian kid who thought he could beat me in SF oh how they were wrong :P

    1. I remember watching that flick when I was but a teenager, oh how I drooled over that shower scene. Looks interesting, the fighting game fanatic that I am cannot dare to look away. Although I did always find it hard to understand as to why they keep trying to make a live action street fighter film? I think the anime movie was great, it was able to capture a lot of the elements of the game and not seem strange.

      1. What I have a hard time understanding is why do the live action attempts suck so much. A street fighter movie would pretty much be a martial arts film so the story doesn’t have to be exactly top shelf (it would be nice if it were but not required) since its usually more about the fighting than anything. I mean look at the first MK movie. Not Oscar material but still good enough that when I occasionally see it on tv I’ll watch it (and the soundtrack was awesome).

        Truthfully I’ve always wanted to see a live action Rival Schools but if the live action attempts are any indicator I think its better off never being made.

  3. hollywood should’ve looked at the first Mortal Kombat flick as an example of how to do a Street Fighter movie. Even in box office numbers it shows MK1 made more than BOTH Street Fighter and the Chun Li movie COMBINED. They could’ve just copied what worked in the other fighting movie. Street Fighter is a tough film to make because of how much fantasy and magic mixed with physical fighting.

  4. It doesn’t look good or bad. They haven’t shown enough. But how could they if its a short film? A 2 minute trailer might show a quarter of it. I know they lack the money and they may lack the talent so I am not expecting much but it should still be interesting.

  5. Ryu & Ken are to small, but maybe they are supposed to be younger versions of the characters? SF Alpha is more like it so far. Still, based on description alone, this will be way better than the first SF movie, and though I actually didn’t hate the Chun Li one, it definitely wasn’t exactly good.

    1. they are not to small, i think you tend to forget that the art direction of street fighter has always been over the top. I mean next your going to complain that they didnt fan make a green gorilla man that lives in the rain forest. the fact is this was a real good fan made teaser. the rain and them in there fight stance was awesome. This was not a trailer it is just wrong titling by rodney its no big deal.

  6. The guy playing ken really looks like me, i mean him.
    Movie still has a lame feel to it though.

    Honestly when it comes to street fighter i picture a good adaptation being a mix of the legend of Chun Li mixed with upcoming film Scott Pilgrim vs the world.

    1. And after the acid trip fades away… then what does it look like?

      That description is so far off base and so random that I can’t even picture what you are getting at.

      1. LOL the acid trip.

        I just meant like, a good developed story like what the plot to chun li started out to be, we get the back story of the main chars being ryu an ken,and the motives of what drives them to the street fighters tournament.

        And with the Scot pilgrim part i would like the action scenes to actually look similar, with a clear visual of the VS like an actual VIDEOGAME. Even with a possible narrator saying KO to someones victory.

        Its just what i visualize might be a fun adaptaion of street fighter done right. I just dont think all game movies need like those hardcore serious dark fighting tones(which looks awesome), but some should resemble a fun trippy style like scott pilgrim vs the world(it would clearly give it, it’s videogame feel.

      2. @ Ken

        I get what you’re trying to say and I gotta agree with you. We won’t know for sure if we like the Scott Pilgrim deal until it comes out, obviously, but I actually liked the “KO!” bit in the trailer… as well as the “VS” deal.

        If done right, it could look great.

    1. If by “real” you mean theatrical release? No.

      This is an independent production of a short film based on the characters of Street Fighter that got the ok from Capcom to produce it.

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