Emily Blunt joins Get Him to the Greek

Emily Blunt may still be reeling from losing the role as the Black Widow in Iron Man 2, but she won’t be sitting still crying over it. Blunt is slated to star with Russell Brand in the Forgetting Sarah Marshall spinoff Get Him to the Greek, which revolves around the aloof rockstar Aidous Snow.

/Film says:

Emily Blunt won’t be the Black Widow, but she will be co-starring in theupcoming Judd Apatow-produced comedy, Get Him to the Greek. Most of you will remember that this film is actually a semi-sequel/spin-off of Nicholas Stoller’s Forgetting Sarah Marshall. Russell Brand reprises his role as British rock star Aidous Snow, who has fallen off the waggon. According to Moviehole , Blunt will co-star as a “pop musician: who “may duet” with Snow.

There are a number of reasons I liked Forgetting Sarah Marshall. Not only did it make me laugh til I nearly peed, but that they didn’t fall into that RomCom standby where the good loveable guy is trying to get the girl and she is dating a complete jackass.

In Sarah Marshall, she is simply with the wrong guy. Aidous Snow actually turns out to be too laid back and actually turns out to be a likable guy who just isn’t as into Sarah as she wishes.

I loved Snow’s character. And I look forward to seeing them spin him off into his own residence in Apatowville, and I think Emily Blunt playing a popstar is just ripe with potential!

The part I don’t get is that Jonah Hill will play a music exec in this. In Sarah Marshall, Jonah Hill played the over eager fanboy waiter drooling over Snow’s every step. I know Apatow likes to recycle his actors, but as much as I loved Hill in Superbad, he was utterly useless in Sarah Marshall. Easily the weakest part of the movie. If they edit out every scene where he even speaks, the movie wouldn’t change at all – wait, it would be better.

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