Men Who Stare at Goats


Clooney will team up with McGregor in Men Who Stare at Goats. We get the following scoop from the herding caves of Yahoo:

Based on the book by the Guardian columnist Jon Ronson, the Mandate Pictures project centers on a desperate reporter (McGregor) who stumbles upon the story of a lifetime when he meets a man (Clooney) who claims to be a former secret U.S. military psychic spy who was reactivated post-9/11.

Directed by Clooney’s production partner Grant Heslov, “Goats” chronicles the pair’s travels through Iraq and offers glimpses into the supposedly real secret Army unit tasked with creating soldiers with paranormal powers.

This one sounds like it could have promise. I am a fan of both Clooney and McGregor, they are both talented fellows and comsider it a boon to any film when either is cast. Having seen Burn After Reading last night, Clooneys chops are fresh in my mind. His role was hilarious, and you need to see that film.

This film certainly has my favorite title of the week. I am sure “Men Who Stare At Goats” will be a title that makes more sense after we watch the film, (although part of me hopes that it never gets an explanation). With a title like this, I personally expect to see a lot of goats in the film, and a few goat herders. May Clooney goes AWOL and becomes in Iraqi goat herder. That would be a good beginning to the film.

Not much info is given about the film, but I wonder what “supernatural powers” the army is working on. Are we talking about super strength or telepathy…telekinesis perhaps? I suppose we we find out soon enough, but this news blurb certainly had me curious. When you are left to fill in the blanks, guessing is half the fun.

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