New Game! Name That Torso

We have a new game for you guys today. It’s called Name That Torso; and you do just that. A week from today I will reveal (in this post) the owner of this torso. The winner will have bragging rights and garner international respect!

Without further ado, Name That Torso!


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83 thoughts on “New Game! Name That Torso

  1. (Type your comment here. Make sure you’ve read the commenting rules before doing so) Torso No2 . Its either Sarah Jessica Parker or Sasha Baron Cohen .

  2. lol thats bullshit doug! monday is like 94 hours away!!

    ill have to press “next” on the bottom of the page like 6 times to get to this post…

    yeah that is true shes done plenty of shit to herself (shes suposed to have red hair..)

    and its HAZMAT! not HAZMET! lol :p

  3. whoever said photoshop was right on the money…I mean that picture looks so fake, nobody can claim that it’s her torso with all the touch ups.

    boobs aren’t exactly massive (B-cups with the help of a pushup bra) which rules out a few of the guesses already mentioned. waist isn’t super thin either which indicates someone who works out quite a bit and isn’t anorexic.

    Denise Richards or Victoria Beckham…I’ll say it’s the former.

  4. I think it could be Jennifer Love Hewitt. I’m sure it could be especially what me and her did last night lol…………………..

  5. @ Willow

    As a nihilist, I believe everything is pointless. (I also know that games are fun in spite of this.)

    Every Torso will be from an actor/actress that is known to most of our readers.

    In conclusion; this is pointless, but the torsos are movie related.

  6. Does anyone else find willow’s comment completely pointless? What does his comment have to do with the post?

    I like these little games.

    I also guess Rose McGowan

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