‘Last House on the Left’ Remake News

Shocktillyoudrop caught some interesting news about the ‘Last House on the Left’ remake.

Here is the synopsis for the upcoming film:

couple, on vacation at their lakeshore house, inadvertently give shelter to the sociopaths who have just assaulted and nearly killed their daughter.

Hmm…that’s interesting. ‘Nearly killed their daughter.’ I don’t mean to spoil this film for others who haven’t seen it, but if anyone has watched Wes Craven’s original terrifying film, you would know, the female leads do not NEARLY escape death. In fact, they are beat up, tortured, raped, and then killed. 

It’s funny how people say that today’s movies are far more grisly than movies from past decades. In my opinion, I find that the seventies had far more terrifying and brutal films than we do today. Forget this ‘torture porn’ subgenre we have today. It doesn’t hold a candle to the stuff vigilante/horror films in the past displayed onscreen.  ‘The Last House on the Left’ was one of those films that pushed the limit. You literally had to repeat after viewing it, “It’s only a movie. It’s only a movie.”   It was a very dark film, and I have a strong feeling that the remake will not go as far as the original did, because audiences aren’t as desensitized as we are made to believe they are.

Although, Shocktillyoudrop.com also reports that the synopsis may NOT be true, and that the body count for the film is going to be ‘vicious.’

I don’t know if I will be anxiously awaiting this film. I’m still not over my ‘Girl Next Door’ viewing experience. :(

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11 thoughts on “‘Last House on the Left’ Remake News

  1. This remake is going to suck! The original is a classic, one of the best horror/exploitation movies of all time! Heh, I say “original” Last House…was a horror adaptation of Ingmar Bergman’s Virgin Spring but you know what I mean.

    Oh and I see you enjoyed The Girl Next Door! That was an excellent movie. Check out Lost, it is also based on a Jack Ketchum novel.

  2. Okay…I get what you’re TRYING to say…HOWEVER….

    There are scenes of rape, scenes of the rapist/killer carving his name into his victim as he rapes the girl, a scene where one of the girls has her intestines ripped out, there’s a scene where a woman bites off a man’s penis, a scene with someone getting sliced up, a scene where someone kills a bad guy with a chainsaw, and scenes with people getting shot in the head.

    You think THAT is not violent? After I had seen ‘Hostel,’ I was not disturbed afterwards….maybe if the movie wasn’t so humorous for the first half, and maybe if the some of the kills weren’t so gratuitous…it would have had more of an impact on me.

    This movie will FOREVER be rated R. (A strong R at that)

  3. Well, yeah Serena, but they don’t really rate movies entirely on how frightening they are these days. It’s still mostly about the language, how violent, how much blood, where they get stabbed, etc…
    I won’t deny that in terms of being realistic, yes, the movie will always stand as frightening. But it’s hard to find good horror movies being made that way lately. Except for Hostel, best of both worlds there, realistic and gory as hell.

  4. @ the other James Taylor

    You’re kidding, right?

    You have to be kidding to say that ‘The Last House on the Left’ barely merits a 14A rating here in Canada.

    That movie was far more frightening than the mainstream and glamourized and might I say COMMERCIAL horror films such as Saw, Hostel, and The Hills Have Eyes remake.

    Even though I enjoyed all three of those movies….they don’t hold a candle the gritty movie “The Last House on the Left” STILL is. A remake will be tame compared to the original….and it will NOT improve the it.

    I am still scared of this movie to this day…because THIS is the kind of horror that happens today.

  5. I’m not sure how many people have actually watched this movie but compared to ANYTHING that’s been put out in the last few years this movie is pretty tame. I’ll go as far as to say this movie would barely merit a 14A rating in Canada if it was put out now. It’s just not that graphic, violent or shocking compared to Saw, Hostel, or Hills Have Eyes. Calling that movie, and I hate this term because it just plain makes no sense, “torture porn” is an insult to the movies I’ve just listed. A remake can only improve Last House On The Left, though I’m sure some women were mighty afraid of it wayyyy back then.

  6. The idea that some 70’s films can be just as brutal as some of the “torture porn” of today is a terrific point. Now, I hate to bring an army of ants to the picnic, but I just got one small question that’s going to piss everyone off.

    Hell, some folks are on to me before I even ask it. But here it comes…

    What is the point of remaking Last House On The Left if it isn’t going to be remade into the horror sub genre of ‘torture porn’?

    Everyone says ‘they can’t top the shock value’ That does not mean they won’t try.

  7. No recent movies hold a candle to Last House On The Left when it comes to leaving a bad taste in the viewers mouth. I managed 20 minutes of this before I switched it off; I just can’t stomach scenes like that (particularly at the start of the movie) at all.

  8. I don’t know… if they kept it based in the 70’s with all the weird hippy cult types I could see it, but if they modernize it… I think half of what made it great was how “normal” and “suburban” the parents were, a “normal” family today wouldn’t be as contrasting to the menace they invite in their homes.

  9. I was just talking about this film the other day and I really don’t think it’s a good idea.

    I mean it is a very disturbing movie, even the fact that the guy keeps his kid doped up so he will do what he says is messed.

    None of the actors did anything after this film (except the guy from the karate kid movies) and I can’t say it was due to this film, but hey.

    Also when Craven came out with “Hills” they wouldn’t even put his name on the poster because of last house.

    If they tone this down, it will be a waste, and if they do the same/make it more hardcore I can’t imagine anyone wanting to see it.

    I have a high tolerence for stuff and this movie wiggs me out. And I don’t know many women who can get through the whole thing.

    I think this is a bad idea.

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